April 15, 2011



The following is a statement from MJ Estate executors:

"The Estate is taking back the Heal the World Foundation and all of the Michael Jackson trademarks it allegedly owned. The Michael Jackson Estate owns the Heal the World name, and neither Melissa Johnson nor her companies will ever be able to use Michael Jackson's name or the Heal the World name."

When mjandjustice4some blog, which is a Branca supporter, published a post about
the Heal the World Foundation charade, the blogger was accused by Chris Johnson, Melissa Johnson’s husband:

“I wonder how much money this smear campaign is costing the estate.”

Perhaps, the same stance coming from an ANTI-BRANCA BLOG will discourage Chris Jonson from making such baseless and ignorant accusations!

This blog entry is prepared to inform and warn public at large, especially Michael Jackson fan community, about the CURRENT Heal the World Foundation.


My stance in regards to Michael Jackson’s alleged Will being forged by John Branca has NOT changed. In the name of honoring Michael’s history, I will continue to be vocal about his hijacked Estate by John Branca.

The reason why majority of fans support John Branca despite of the overwhelming reasons that the alleged Will should be declared null and void is the worse alternative that one of Jacksons gain access to Michael’s estate. While I am not a Branca supporter, part of me is GLAD that none of Jacksons are the executors. They lack the business acumen that requires running an intricate estate like Michael’s. They are shamelessly greedy. They expect Michael to take care of the entire family not only in life but also in death.

Katherine Jackson initially objected to the executorship of John Branca and John McClain for VERY valid reasons. The problem was that the alleged Will cleverly included a non-contest clause. It meant that if she contested and lost the case, Mama Kate stood to loose her benefits. In September of 2009, however, a California Probate judge bent the law just for Katherine Jackson and permitted her to be able to contest Michael’s Will without losing her benefits. Katherine who initially expressed intention to contest the Will later changed her mind, to everyone’s surprise. She sold her loyalty after Estate Executors paid off her Encino home loan when it faced foreclosure. That was a monumental mistake. For this reason, I, now, have NO sympathy whatsoever for Katherine in her fight against the executors.

The statue of limitation to contest is now over; consequently 2002 alleged Will IS
the Michael Jackson Will in effect, John Branca & John McClain ARE the executors. 


Michael requested John Branca to destroy the Thriller Music Video tapes because Jehovah Witness elders decided that it was inappropriate and they would expel Michael if he released the music video. Branca convinced Michael to add a disclaimer in the beginning of the music video and release it.

Different sets of rules apply to Katherine Jackson, a “devout” Jehovah Witness.
She celebrates New Year and birthdays, lies and associate with a porn producer.

On February 3, 2010, Katherine signed a contract with Howard Mann without a legal counsel. As per the contract, she authorizes Vintage Pop “to commercialize and exploit for the purposes of profiting, the name and likeness” of Michael Jackson.

Since June 25, 2009, Michael’s death has been exploited by various opportunists.   Among them, Howard Mann is “authorized” by Michael’s own mom who also rides on the gravy train. Normally, preventing those who illegally exploit Michael’s brand would be easy for the executors but involvement of Katherine made it complicated because the executors don’t want to resort to litigating Katherine, who far too long, abused her position as Michael’s mother.

Naturally, the estate executors intervened, sending Howard Mann a cease and desist letter, advising that Michael’s image and likeness belong SOLELY to his estate.

Another vulture aspiring to exploit Michael’s name and likeness, Melissa Johnson also received a cease and desist letter from the executors.

Nevertheless, Howard Mann & Melissa Johnson declared their intention to illegally exploit Michael’s name. So now the Estate Executors are litigating both Howard Mann and Melissa Johnson. In preliminary injunction, a judge prohibited the Heal the World Foundation from misleading the public into believing that it is affiliated to Michael Jackson. Hence the disclaimer you will see on its website.

“Michael had no ties to this Heal the World Foundation. We believe the court made the correct decision to protect Michael’s fans from being misled into believing they are contributing to either an official Michael Jackson charity or one of his causes.” ~VINCENT CHIEFFO, MJ Estate Executors’ attorney

“John McClain and I will continue to be vigilant in protecting Michael's legacy from unauthorized exploitation and in protecting Michael’s fans from being deceived.” ~JOHN BRANCA, MJ Estate Executor


On November 19, 2010, Howard Mann entered into a business venture with Melissa Johnson. The contract enables Howard Mann to use MJ-related trademarks held by Melissa Johnson, to promote his business endeavors. In return, Mann pays %33 of profits to Melissa Johnson. In addition, Howard Mann also agreed to pay Melissa Johnson's debt of $92,578 plus $38,000 in legal fees. 

And Katherine is under obligation to promote Howard Mann’s businesses which now is tied to Heal the World Foundation. In return, Katherine receives %33 of profits. 

Howard Mann, Melissa Johnson and Katherine Jackson all profit from their joint alliance.


Howard Mann & Melissa Johnson employed Katherine Jackson to do their dirty bidding since Branca, so far, resisted from litigating Katherine, although there is legal merit. Mama Kate, who was entrusted as the guardian, allows Michael’s children to be exploited and used as pawns in the war between Michael Jackson Estate Executors vs Howard Mann & Melissa Johnson.

Before we could get over our disappointment over Michael's children being exploited on Oprah, dressed in Heal the World Foundation t-shirts, the kids were exploited on Good Morning America. They were coerced into expressing their “support” for Heal the World Foundation which presented a $10,000 check to LA Family Housing. Just last year, Melissa Johnson begged fans to help her gather money to retain an attorney, now she has money to donate? This “donation” was another ploy to garner a positive publicity for Melissa Johnson who awaits the court on April 29.  

Michael Jackson fans are divided on various issues. But when it comes to the exploitation of Michael Jackson children, WE STAND UNITED! By exploiting Michael’s children, Howard Mann and Melissa Johnson will continue to receive emphatic backlash from the fans and we will NOT watch idly if the exploitation continues. I openly declare that I will contact related agencies and do everything in my power to enforce Michael’s wishes of privacy for his children.

"The current Heal the World Foundation has no relation to Michael Jackson's charity.  The Estate doesn't believe Michael's children should be used to exploit a charity that a federal judge found was not associated with Michael Jackson."

It is a sad day when the so-called guardian exploits Michael's children while John Branca opposes the exploitation! Michael, and after his tragic death, his fans were concerned about the media violation of Michael's children! Never did we see it coming that it would be the person Michael trusted the most who exploits his children!


I never knew Mrs Jackson was this way. When Michael laid on ice for months, she made so many trips to courthouse to secure Michael’s money that I thought she should just rent a room at the courthouse! Jackson “family” has never missed an opportunity to commercialize Michael’s death. They appear to be so shameless that no amount of public condemnation stopped them! Jackson “Family” has been more vocal about their financial interests than about justice for their son/brother.

I do NOT believe Katherine is greedy, I believe she is taking directives from Joe and her children, particularly Jermaine and Randy whose million children she is taking care of (along with Michael’s kids). An 82 year old woman taking care of the children of these grown man is APPALLING. Michael is dead, what is preventing Jermaine and Randy from taking care of their kids? And they have the audacity to promote themselves as charitable individuals for children’s causes.

Katherine is made to bring in as much money as possible to immediate and extended Jackson clan. This, however, doesn’t make her less culpable. Even when Michael was alive, she always put the financial wellbeing of her other children ahead of Michael’s wishes. Now Michael’s children are made to be the new cashcow for the Jackson Family. I hope it won’t take litigation by the Estate Executors or losing the custody of Michael’s children for Katherine to show the prudence to disassociate with Howard Mann & Melissa Johnson and raise Michael’s children according to his wishes for them.


Michael Jackson launched his charity at New York's Radio City Music Hall in 1992, naming it after his hit song “Heal the World”. The goal of the charity was to protect world children from hunger, homelessness, child exploitation and abuse. The charity built playgrounds, provided immunizations, airlifted relief supplies to war-torn Bosnia and
paid for liver transplant of a Hungarian boy. The foundation also brought sick and under-privileged children to play in the theme park at Neverland.

Michael’s “Dangerous” Tour began on June 27, 1992 and finished on November 11, 1993. He performed to 3.5 million people in 67 concerts. Michael donated all the proceedings from this Tour to Heal the World Foundation.

In 1997, Michael granted exclusive rights to OK! Magazine to photograph his son,
Prince Michael Jr and donated $3 million in proceeds to Heal the World Foundation.


Martin Bashir wasn’t the only one that entered Michael’s life through Uri Geller. Shmuley Botaech was promoting his book “Kosher Sex” and through Uri Geller,
Shmuley Boteach reached out to Michael.

“'I met Shmuley at a Jewish Book Fair when we were each signing books. I had been introduced to Michael by Mohamed Al Fayed. So I brought the two of them together.' ~URI GELLER

“I said to him ‘Michael, you can’t do that. It’s inappropriate. You cannot sit down and discuss about sex with this guy’ But he had given his promise to the Rabbi and nobody could stop him from doing it. This is how Michael was. He did anything that he could do for his friends. But it then took on a dramatic scale which became untenable so Michael terminated it.” ~DIETER WIESNER, former MJ Manager

In February 2001, as part of the Heal the World Foundation, Michael founded Heal the Kids Charity which was dedicated to promoting nurturing relationships between adults and their children. To fundraise for Heal the Kids, Michael gave an inspirational speech at Oxford University.  Michael trusted the “Rabbi” with both of his charities.


2000 IRS filings for Boteach’s Oxford L’Chaim Society was signed on Sept. 26, 2001, by Deborah Boteach, Shmuley’s wife. It was received by the IRS on Oct. 22, 2001.  The filing showed that a total of $203,185 in donations, including the February 14, 2001 fundraiser at Oxford University. The filing listed the charity’s expenses to be $259,432. No money was given to any charitable causes. Boteach didn’t even fill in the line on the form, explaining the purpose of the charity. Michael cut off all ties with the rabbi.

Michael Jackson cut off contact with Shmuley Boteach. “He simply didn’t accept his calls anymore. The same way it went with Geller later.” ~DIETER WIESNER


Melissa Johnson met Shmuley Boteach in 2001. Unbeknownst to Michael, Shmuley was still acting on his behalf and he approved Melissa to take over Heal the World Foundation without Michael’s knowledge. Melissa then starts her campaign to personally reach Michael Jackson.


July 2001- Melissa writes to Evvy Tavasci, Michael’s executive assistant

“Michael will not go forward with the Heal the World Foundation without me. When he begins to get stirred up in his heart about it, he will be frustrated and confused. I hope you will remember that there was this crazy lady out there who claimed she was to be his partner in this work and held with her the other half of the HTWF equation.”

Evvy Tavasci did NOT reply to Melissa Johnson.

December 2001- Melissa writes another letter to Evvy Tavasci, along with a video about Heal the World Foundation.

Melissa also showed up to Neverland unannounced to personally deliver a package to Michael. Security refused her access.  She sent packages to Michael, deceptively using Evvy Tavasci’s name as the return address.

January 2002- Tavasci contacts Michael’s attorneys who advised Melissa that her “behavior and attempted communications with Mr Jackson are harassing, highly inappropriate and constitutes a security risk to Mr Jackson and his employees.”

Melissa writes another letter to Tavasci, apologizing for using her name as the return address for packages sent to Michael. She also writes “I will not apologize to Mr Jackson as I am fairly certain that he had no discomfort from my attempts to get him this data”

April 2002- Melissa writes another letter to Evvy Tavasci, justifying her harassment.

“I realize to most, going to Mr Jackson’s house would seem intrusive and violating but….”


In April 2002, Heal the World Foundation was suspended, after failing to file yearly accounting statements, required for tax-exempt organizations. Records show that the foundation had $3,542 in net assets and $2,585 in expenses. It didn't have a director or any other executive besides Michael, who was listed as chairman.

Number: C1688875
Date Filed: 7/3/1991
Status: suspended
Jurisdiction: California
Address SHERMAN OAKS, CA 91413
Agent for Service of Process BARRY SIEGEL LOS ANGELES, CA 90064
“The business entity's powers, rights and privileges were suspended in California
1) by the Franchise Tax Board for failure to file a return and/or failure to pay taxes, penalties, or interest; and/or 2) by the Secretary of State for failure to file the required Statement of Information and, if applicable, the required Statement by Common Interest Development Association.” (Source: The California Secretary of State)

The operations for Michael’s Heal the World Foundation stopped in late 2002. The charity was legally dissolved in 2004. This was made official on the 2003 tax filing.

“Heal the World Foundation has ceased its exempt operations for the year ended 10/31/2003. There will be no activity for 2004 and the organization will be formally dissolved in 2004.”

On the 2003 tax filing form, “yes” was checked, corresponding the question “Was there a liquidation, dissolution, termination, or substantial contraction during the year?"


In 2002 and 2003, Melissa Johnson noticed that Michael’s management was allowing various trademarks and domain names, to expire. On her own initiative and with her
own dime, Melissa registers over 900 domain-names related to Michael Jackson.

May 2003- Melissa enters into an agreement with MJJ Productions to transfer the domain names. In exchange, she was compensated $26,726 for the registration fees.


Melissa claimed in her declaration that she always maintained contact with Michael.
She asserts that the dialog was through Shmuley Boteach in 2002, through Brian Oxman during 2004-2005 and Van Alexander (Raymone Bain Associate) during 2006 -2009.

* Michael cut off all contact with Shmuley Boteach late 2001. Boteach himself attested to this fact on a November 19, 2003 interview:

MJboard.com- Do you think Michael is in control of his own life?
Shmuley Boteach- I can not tell because I have not spoken to Michael in 2 years.

So if in fact Boteach was approving Melissa’s activities in 2002, it was news to Michael. Boteach did NOT have the authority to approve anything in regards to Michael. Melissa most definitely didn't communiate with Michael through Boteach because Michael wasn't on talking terms with the rabbi.

* If Melissa was indeed approved by Shmuley Boteach to run Michael’s charity, then why did she write to Evvy Tavasci, on July 2001 “Michael will not go forward with the Heal the World Foundation without me.”? The tone of her letters to Tavasci indicates that Melissa was NOT involved with HTWF but she wanted to.

* Brian Oxman declared that in February 2005, Melissa informed him that noone was running the HTWF. She sent a package to Michael via Brian Oxman, according to whom Michael reviewed the material and authorized Melissa to run the HTWF because he was busy with his trial.

"This letter will confirm that in February, 2005, Mr. Michael Jackson instructed me to inform you that he approved of your proposals regarding Heal the World Foundation and requested that you act on behalf of the Foundation to preserve and protect it and its trademarks. Mr. Jackson instructed me to inform you to keep the Foundation active, work on behalf of the Foundation to promote its purposes and goals, run the Foundation’s operations, and revive its corporate status.” ~BRIAN OXMAN Declaration

As usual, Oxman is the king of inconsistencies. If Michael instructed Melissa to “keep the foundation active” why would he request that she “revive its corporate status”? Both can't be mutually inclusive, either the foundation is active or not active and needs to be revived. WHY DIDN’T SHE “REVIVE ITS CORPORATE STATUS” IN 2005, AS MICHAEL ALLEGEDLY REQUESTED? Oxman declaration debunks Melissa’s claim that she was with the HTWF pre-Feb 2005.

* On March 15, 2005, Melissa, according to Oxman declaration, sent another proposal to Michael and allegedly Michael reviewed the material at courthouse. IF Michael had approved Melissa to revive and run HTWF on February 2005 because he was busy with his trial, why did she send him yet another package to be reviewed at the courthouse?

Oxman is representing Joe Jackson in contesting the executership of John Branca and John McClain. I believe he is making up crap as he goes along.

* Melissa Johnson declared that Van Alexander told her that:
   - Michael never planned to be involved in day to day actions of the charity
   - There’s a turmoil in Jackson camp and it wouldn’t be best for the charity to be in 

     Michael’s name. She’s told to do whatever she can do on her own.
   - MJ would endorse the charity even though it was in her name.

Being the charitable and caring man that he was, Michael may have given Melissa his blessing, or encouragement if you will, to "Heal the World", be charitable. It was stipulated that such charity woud be under her name, her foundation. Melissa did NOT establish her charity until March 2008. Since she founded her HTWF, Michael did NOT once “endorse”, fundraise or donated to the new HTWF.

* If Melissa collected donations for the charity 2005-2008, where did the money go to? Remember, Michael's foundation didn't exist. She did NOT file taxes to account for the donations she collected for 4 years.

* If Michael approved on February 2005 (as per Oxman declaration) Melissa to run HIS charity then why did she form her own charity in 2008?

* Why did she merge Michael’s HTWF with her HTWF AFTER Michael’s death and NOT while Michael was alive?


March 2008- Melissa founded a NEW "Heal the World Foundation"

Number: C3036817
Date Filed: 3/13/2008
Status: active
Jurisdiction: California
Address PALM DESERT, CA 92260
Agent for Service of Process MELISSA JOHNSON  INDIO, CA 92203

(Source: The California Secretary of State)

October 2008- Melissa obtained “Heal the World Foundation” trademark

January 2009- Melissa’s HTWF received IRS tax exempt status

June 2009- A week after Michael’s death, Melissa applies for countless trademarks, referring to Michael’s name and likeness, such as “King of Pop” “Gone too Soon” “Make That Change” “Thriller” “Michael Jackson”

Michael had just died and many were commercializing his death by selling merchandise. Melissa also commercialized Michael’s death since she owned applicable trademarks. Below are just a handful of merchandise being sold by Melissa Johnson.

July 2009- Melissa obtained “Michael Jackson Heal the World Foundation” trademark

Notice the timing of the trademark, AFTER Michael’s death. Melisa aspired and she did mislead the public that her HTWF was in fact the same as Michael’s HTWF. She resorted to dishonesty in order to rack in donations from grieving fans who paid homage by donating his causes.


In her declaration, Melissa Johnson reveals her duplicitous ways.

“Later in 2010, I found out that Heal the World Foundation’s 1991 tax exempt status was suspended, not dead. Acting as the 1991 charity’s sole director, I revived the corporation and merged the 2008 charity with the 1991 charity.

2002 tax filings from Michael’s HTWF listed Michael as the chairman; the organization did NOT have a director, president or any other executive.

September 2010- Melissa contacts IRS misrepresenting herself as "the sole director
of Michael's HTWF" and requests the organization's tax records.

November 2010- Melissa files with Franchise Tax Board to revive Michael’s HTWF

I thought Michael asked Melissa to revive Michael’s HTWF in a purported letter of February 2005 via Brian Oxman, the king of false declarations.

December 2010- Franchise Tax Board buys into Melissa’s misrepresentation as Michael’s representative and revives MICHAEL’s HTWF

December 2010- Melissa merges 2008 HTWF (hers) with 1992 HTWF (Michael’s)

As a result, the current public information incorrectly shows Melissa Johnson as the director of Michael’s 1991 Heal the Would Foundation.  

The current HTWF has no affiliations whatsoever with Michael Jackson.


“To add insult to injury, the defendants have created an organization that purports
to carry on the work of Jackson’s foundation and have made numerous false representations regarding their affiliation with Mr Jackson and his charity. In reality, this ‘charitable organization’ is merely a subterfuge for defendants to turn a profit, using Mr Jackson’s name and likeness.” ~MJ ESTATE EXECUTORS


Why not run your charity without attaching yourself to Michael Jackson?

Michael Jackson Estate Executors aren’t trying to shut your charity, they are merely protecting Michael Jackson brand. Since we didn’t see Michael endorse the new HTWF in his later years, since the men who speak for him asks you to disassociate with Michael Jackson name, since the fans desperately need you to leave this community at once so  we may focus on Conrad Murray trials, why not get yourself a new logo, transfer the domain names, stop exploiting Michael Jackson, and “Heal The World” on your own efforts and name? The people who stand for you are either bought or mis-informed.

Where do you get off creating such chaos during such an inopportune time?

It is selfish, inhumane, shameless, inconsiderate, insensitive, greedy and ludicrous thing to do to take away from our time and our focus during Conrad Murray trial.


The following is the profit/loss statement by Heal the World Foundation.

Melissa spent $54,458 for trademark fees so she can freely commercialize Michael’s name. She spent $21,674 for advertising.  She donated only $5,520 to 5 charities, such as “Meals On Wheels” “Feed the children”

She made the small amount of donation just to be able to keep her tax-exempt status as a “charity”. Like Howard Mann, what Melissa Johnson has in mind is to commercialize Michael’s name under the guise of charity. Besides, why do you need “Heal the World Foundation” to donate for you? You can make your donations directly to “Feed the Children” “Meals on Wheal” or charity of your choice. Do you REALLY need to go through Melissa Johnson?

“Mr. Jackson's utmost concern was that funds would be funneled for its approved charitable purposes and not be eaten up as he said was the case for administrative costs." ~RAYMONE BAIN DECLARATION


Michael Jackson’s Estate Executors are NOT trying to shut the current Heal the World Foundation. The executors are NOT being “hostile” as Melissa Johnson would have you believe. The executors are simply doing their jobs, protecting Michael Jackson brand. They are trying to enforce that the foundation does NOT mislead the innocent public into believing that it is Michael’s charity. The executors are also trying to stop the current HTWF from exploiting Michael Jackson name and likeness.

A coerced charity is not charity at all. It is not kind to force the executors give %20 of Michael’s estate to the current Heal the World Foundation. It is not kind to exploit Michael’s children in the war against the executors. It is not kind to mislead the grieving fans to rack donations. It is not kind to exploit a kind man’s name who did NOT want to be involved in your charity while alive. Michael was always hurt by the very kind things he did. His love for children were misconstrued and now his charitable nature is the reason his children are paraded around like show ponies, shame on you!

Charity doesn't demand, charity gracefully accepts what is given from the heart!

“I do not have a license of any kind to use Michael’s name and likeness. I am not a separate entity from Michael Jackson.
One does not grant a license to himself.”



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