June 14, 2011


Disclaimer: This is not the actual testimonies. Publication of official transcripts is against the law.
The following is MY OWN NOTES, referencing the official transcripts which were obtained lawfully.

You can jump to a particular testimony by using the drop-down menu.

DAVID WALGREN: Opening Statement
  • Michael Jackson was preparing for one of the most important tours of his life, titled “This is It” in London, starting in July 2009
  • He was rehearsing at Staples in late afternoons and evenings.
  • Although an official contract hadn’t been established, Conrad Murray was working as Michael’s personal doctor. Murray would go to Michael’s home in late evenings, midnights or “one o’clock in the morning”
  • According to Murray, he treated Michael Jackson at least six weeks. By Murray’s own admission, he was giving Michael Jackson Propofol at least 6 nights a week
  • Propofol is a powerful anesthetic used pre-surgeries. There is no indications that Propofol is used to treat insomnia.
  • Tuesday (June23), Michael rehearsed at Staples. He was “optimistic” and “energetic”. All attended were impressed by Michael’s vigor.
  • Wednesday (June 24), another great rehearsal. Michael left Staples “very optimistic for the future”. When Michael arrived his home, his security personnel saw Murray’s car parked in the driveway. They assume that Murray was inside.
  • Evidence will show that Michael was dead long before paramedics got there
  • There were only 2 people in the house: Michael and Murray. Michael is deceased.
  • Evidence will reveal the distraction and inattention Murray exhibited. 
  • Witness will testify that during a call placed at 11:51am, ten-eleven minutes into the call, the phone conversation from Murray’s end stopped. Witness (Sade Anding) heard noises in the background from Murray’s end of the phone. She hung up, tried to call back Murray, couldn’t reach him. Prosecution believes this is when Murray became aware that Michael wasn’t breathing but that Michael stopped breathing much earlier.
  • Instead of calling 911, Murray called Michael’s Assistant, Michael Amir Williams, at 12:13pm. He left a message asking Mr. Williams to call him right back. MAW called Murray back at 12:15pm. Murray said “Michael had a bad reaction, get here right away”
  • MAW called Faheem Muhammad who was at the MJ home but had left for bank.
  • After realizing that Faheem Muhammad wasn’t at the property, MAW called called Alberto Alvarez at 12:17pm
  • Alberto Alvarez saw Murray administering CPR on soft bed, with one hand.
  • At this critical point, instead of asking Alberto to call 911 immediately, Murray instructed him to collect medicines and saline bag.
  • Only after the scene was clean-up, Murray asked Alberto to call 911
  • The 11:51am call lasted about 11 minutes, which would mean Murray found Michael around noon. This means he waited at least 21 minutes to call 911
  • Paramedics were called at 12:12pm, they arrived at 12:26pm. Their first observation is that Michael’s eyes were wide open, fixed and dilated. Michael was asystole (no heart activity).
  • Paramedics asked Murray “what’s the underlying medical condition?” Murray said “He is dehydrated, exhausted from rehearsals. No underlying medical condition”
  • Paramedics questioned Murray about the drugs he game to Michael. He only mentioned Lorazepam. He didn’t mention about Propofol, “information obviously would have been very useful to paramedics and subsequent treating doctors at UCLA. Had they have been fully advised of what Dr. Murray had done, they could have acted in accordance.”
  • Paramedics were constantly in contact with UCLA base line. After Sodium Bicarbonate didn’t reverse anything and failure from epinephrine and atropine treatments, UCLA wanted to call it at 12:57pm.
  • Murray refused to call it. UCLA asked  Murray to assume care.
  • 1:07pm, Michael is transported to UCLA, they arrive at 1:13pm
  • UCLA doctors Dr. Cooper and Dr. Nguyen assumed Michael’s care
  • Drs Cooper and Nguyen questioned Murray of what he had given Michael so “they could be better informed to treat Michael and try to save his life.” Murray said he gave Michael Lorazepam and that Michael “may have received” Flomax and Valium
  • 2:26pm, Michael was pronounced dead
  • The following day, LAPD try to reach Murray to no avail
  • On June 29, police took Murray's statement which was recorded
  • Evidence will exhibit that “there are actions displayed by Dr. Murray that showed extreme deviations from the expected standard of care.”
  • The facts that Propofol was given in home setting, without the proper monitoring equipment, propofol isn’t used to treat insomnia, propofol was given along with a number of benzodiazepines “which had contributory effect to further the impact of the propofol”, Dr Murray abandoned his patient, he performed ineffectual CPR, failed to call 911 in a timely manner, failed to maintain medical records, failed to advise paramedics & UCLA doctors of what he gave to Michael have lead to Michael Jackson’s death.
KENNY ORTEGA: ‘This Is It’ Tour Co-director
  • First met Michael in 1991, worked with Michael in Dangerous Tour in 1992 as director of choreography.
  • April 2009, Michael talks to Ortega about creation of his This Is it Tour
  • He was Michael 3-4 days a week at the beginning during creative discussions. When production started, he saw Michael 4-5 days a week
  • Michael was excited about his tour. He thought his children are old enough to appreciate. He also wanted to do this for “his fans that has been so loyal to him over the years.” He wanted to use his art “to remind people the importance of taking care of our planet and each other.”
  • After the 50 shows in London, Michael wanted to take the show internationally to places like India and Japan.
  • “After Michael finished touring, he wanted to come back and work with me as a director on motion pictures”
  • At the time of Michael’s death, they had been rehearsing at Staples “about a week"
  • Michael would come in late afternoons, rehearse 6 hours, approximately 4 days a week
  • June 19, 2009. Michael arrived at Staples, “he didn’t appear well at all.”
  • Ortega and others observed that Michael was “chilled and soft spoken”
  • Michael didn’t say to Ortega that he wasn’t feeling well
  • Ortega felt Michael didn’t appear well enough to be at the rehearsal.
  • Michael opted out of the rehearsal he wanted chorographers to fill in for him and he wanted to watch. He sat in the audience area with Kenny Ortega.
  • Ortega felt that Michael seemed “lost”. “It was scary. I didn’t know what was wrong but I knew there was something going on.  I couldn’t put my finger on it but it felt scary.”
  • Ortega said “Michael, do you really feel this is the best place for you to be or would you rather go home, be with family?”  
  • Michael replied “Would you be okay with that?” Ortega said “absolutely”. Michael left
  • Ortega never seen Michael in that condition before
  • The next day, there was a meeting at Michael home.
  • Michael, Conrad Murray, Randy Phillips, Frank Dileo and Kenny Ortega
  • Ortega had met Murray sometime during April or May. Ortega had came to Michael’s home for creative meeting, Murray was there, Michael introduced them
  • Murray was upset that Ortega sent Michael home from the rehearsal on the previous day. Murray told Ortega not to act like he was Michael’s doctor and leave Michael’s health to Murray.
  • Ortega testified that Murray’s demeanor while talking to him was “scolding”
  • Murray said Michael was “physically and emotionally fine and was capable of handling his responsibilities with the show.”
  • Following this meeting, there was rehearsal, it resumed on June 23rd
  • June 23 & June 24 rehearsals were great. Michael was very excited about June 25 rehearsals because they were going to rehearse an illusion
  • Randy Phillips was going to pick up Michael on June 25, 2009. “They were meeting for some reason then he was going to bring him to rehearsals”
  • Ortega called Randy and said “please let Michael know how excited I feel, I am looking forward to rehearsing this afternoon”. Randy said “I thought you were calling for a different reason”. I am at the house, there is an ambulance, leaving the property”
  • Ortega felt that the June 20 meeting was called “because of him” and “when I arrived, it became all about me”. Ortega doesn’t know who called the meeting
  • “We were headed for greatness and that Michael’s vision was going to be accomplished but at times, I questioned. Michael didn’t always show up. He had a period of time when he was missing. It created anxiety for me. It was difficult to move forward without Michael’s involvement
  • On June 19, 2009, Michael didn’t seem “present as he normally was”
  • Chernoff’s suspended question: “Would you agree with me that the people that were present at the meeting was not exactly indicative of a meeting you have when someone gets sick for a day?”
  • Chernoff asked “The conversation at the meeting on June 20 was about the fact that Jackson had been sick on frequent occasions and had been missing rehearsals. Do you remember that conversation?” Ortega replies “No”
  • Chernoff asked “Do you remember three weeks prior to that meeting, you had the same type of meeting at Mr. Jackson’s residence and the same members were present at that meeting?” Ortega replies “No”
  • Chernoff asked “Do you recall that there was some conversation with AEG about him missing rehearsals?” Ortega replies “Yes”
  • Chernoff asked “There was quiet a lot of concern about that?” Ortega replies “from my perspective, yes”
  • Chernoff asked “Do you recall yelling at Michael on June 20 meeting, telling him that he needed to get back to the show?” Ortega replied “No”
  • Chernoff asked “do you recall having a conversation with Karen Faye after the June 20 meeting about the meeting itself?” Ortega doesn’t remember.
  • Chernoff asked if Ortega had a conversation with Karen Faye after the June 20 meeting, about how she should treat Michael. Ortega doesn’t remember.
  • Chernoff asked when did they star filming for This is It movie. Ortega said “we didn’t film for that documentary.” Michael was filming for his personal use.
  • Chernoff’’s brilliant question” so are you saying that that from April, May and June, there is camera footage of every single rehearsal?” Ortega sidesteps a direct answer “those were for Michael’s personal use”. Chernoff “so they exist somewhere?” Ortega “Yeah”. Chernoff “Where?” Ortega “There weren’t always cameras rolling. It was always IF he asked.
  • June 25, afternoon, Paul Gongaware called Ortega from the hospital.
  • There was a period of time, “accumulated days” about a week in early June that Michael missed rehearsals
  • Ortega said he didn’t yell at Michael during June 20 meeting but that “we were emotional. He said ‘I know you love me and care for me, I know you are looking out for my best interest, but you don’t have to worry. I am fine. I can handle this.’” Michael’s voice calmed Ortega and he stepped back. Michael gave Ortega a hug and said “don’t worry, we can do this, we will do this.” Ortega says even if he yelled, it was out of caring
  • Michael was scheduled to arrive at 4 or 4:30pm on June 25, 2009
MICHAEL AMIR WILLIAMS: Michael Jackson Personal Assistant
  • He worked for Michael for a little over 2 years as Personal Assistant
  • Duties=answering calls, arranging day-to-day operations, hiring staff or anything Michael needed such as “sending me to pick up popcorn”
  • He spoke to Michael several times daily, almost every day
  • Security detail=2 men 24/7 at the residence. Security staff worked in shifts. Their duty included opening the gate and doing clearance for who could come in
  • MAW acted as liaison between security and Michael. Michael would tell MAW what he needed; MAW would communicate it with the security staff
  • MAW would call Kenny Ortega or Ortega’s assistant, James to find out what time Michael was to come into Staples Center for rehearsals. Security would send an advance team to go to Staples before Michael to make sure everything is set up. Usually MAW rides with Michael. Usually fans would be outside of Staples Center to greet him. Michael would always slow down and greet his fans. “Never be rude to his fans. He always made sure of that” They would go inside. When rehearsals are over, fans are outside again. Michael stopped to greet. When at the house, Michael would go into the house. Security would carry Michael’s stuff (paperwork, bags or gifts from fan) at the bottom of the stairs. Either Michael himself, Prince or housekeeper would carry them upstairs.
  • When MAW first starting working for Michael in 2007, he knew of Murray but he met Murray in 2008 in Las Vegas
  • Couple of months before June 25, 2009, MAW regularly saw Murray at Carolwood
  • Sometime MAW would call Murray, sometimes Michael would personally call Murray to make sure he is at the house after the rehearsals. It was normal for Murray to be at the house when they returned from the rehearsals.
  • On June 24, 2009, they left the residence around 6 or 7pm
  • Faheem Muhammad drove, MAW sat at the front, Michael sat in the back
  • Sometimes during rehearsals, Michael would feel cold. MAW would get heaters. One time, Faheem Muhammad told MAW that he rubbed Michael’s feet.
  • When Michael arrived at his home, there were fans outside so he stopped to greet them
  • Murray’s car was parked in the driveway
  • June 25, 2009 at 12:13pm, MAW had a missed call from Murray who left a voice message. Murray sounded frantic: “Call me right away, hurry, call me”
  • 12:15pm MAW called Murray. Murray asked MAW where he was, MAW said he was at his home in downtown. Murray said “get here right away. Mr. Jackson had a bad reaction. Get someone up here”. Murray didn’t ask MAW to call 911
  • MAW immediately called Faheem Muhammad who had left the property and was at the bank. MAW instructed Faheem to go back to the house. MAW called Alberto Alvarez who was in the security trailer at the property. MAW instructs Alberto to walk to the front door. Alberto did so and said to MAW “okay I am at the front door. I see the nanny, she is opening the door” Alberto walked into the property, while he is still on the phone with MAW. Alberto asked MAW “may I go upstairs?” MAW said “Yeah go upstairs” MAW heard Murray’s voice on the phone then Alberto hung up on him.
  • Frank Dileo called him when MAW was on his way to the property
  • By the time MAW arrived at the Property, the ambulance was there
  • On typical day, people weren’t allowed upstairs. MAW was allowed on a need-to-basis
  • He followed the ambulance to UCLA with Michael’s children
  • The children and the nanny were in an empty hospital room. There was a security at the door. When Michael was pronounced dead, MAW, Frank Dileo and Murray walked in. Prince said “make sure you tell the doctor that daddy is allergic to this and that”. Frank Dileo “blurted out your daddy had a heart attack and died” Murray said “No, no, don’t tell them that. We don’t know what happened”
  • At some point after Michael was pronounced dead and the children were told, Murray approached to MAW and said “Brother Michael, Mr. Jackson has some creams in his room that I know he wouldn’t want the world to know about it. Can you have one of the guys give me a ride to get the cream” MAW thought this request was odd because Michael had just died. MAW said to Murray “let me check with the guys” MAW told Faheem about Murray’s request. Faheem said “I am not giving him a ride”. MAW testified that Faheem is a more blunt person than himself, he didn’t want to sound mean so he told Murray that the police took their keys so they couldn’t give him a ride. He said this just to deflect Murray’s request, the police hadn’t taken their keys. MAW contacted the security at the property and instructed them “make sure you lock it down, no one in, no one out”
  • After some time, Murray approached MAW again. He said he hadn’t eaten all day and he wanted someone to take him to get some food.
      Cross by Ed Chernoff:
  • MAW is instrumental in hiring security personnel
  • He hired people from ‘Security Measures’
  • Owner of ‘Security Measures’ is from Nation of Islam. Michael told MAW to hire people that he knows and trust. MAW knew of the owner and he trusted him. MAW hand-picked his personnel because he didn’t want just anyone on the property.
  • MAW is connected to Nation of Islam but he didn’t hire from ‘Security Measures’ because of religion, it was because he trusted
  • Patrick Muhammad, Alberto Alvarez, Faheem Muhammad, Patrick Isaac and Larry (he didn’t remember his last name) are from Nation of Islam
  • Nanny Rosalind Muhammad is a close friend of MAW’s mom, he trusts her
  • The Nanny is also from Nation of Islam
  • Chernoff asked “is there anyone there who wasn’t connected to the Nation of Islam?” MAW answered “many people, the chef, the housekeepers and three or four security weren’t Nation of Islam”
  • Chernoff asked “Who was on the property from 10:00am to noon?” MAW responded “Larry and Louis, I believe”
  • Louis Williams -MAW’s brother- is one of the security personnel
  • Chernoff asked why MAW called Faheem instead of his brother. MAW knew that his brother was on the property on June 25 but he didn’t know his shift exactly. He knew that Faheem Muhammad and Alberto Alvarez work day shifts. They were the ones Michael would go out with if he needed to go somewhere
  • Security trailer was very close to the kitchen door. Chernoff asked why MAW asked Alberto to use the front door. MAW testified that the kitchen door would be locked. Sometime during the daytime, the front door would be unlocked. Michael would lock it at nights. MAW wanted Alberto to walk to the front door hoping it was unlocked. Even it was locked, MAW hoped that someone from the house can see Alberto and open the door.
  • He knew Alberto Alvarez about 5 years, knew Faheem for about 10 years
  • He missed Murray’s call because he was in the shower. Normally he would come in around 10:00am but that day he was going to look for some “storages and concert property”. So he googled some places to look before he went in for shower. MAW was going to come in right before the rehearsals (editor’s note: If MAW and security is taking Michael to rehearsal, why did Kenny Ortega testified that Randy Phillips was going to take Michael to rehearsals on June 25, 2009?)
  • They walked Mrs Jackson and the children to their cars. And they tried to create a diversion. There were a lot of people outside of hospital. They knew people usually followed their escalade. So they drove out, hoping that paparazzi and the fans would follow their escalades and NOT Mrs. Jackson and the children. They didn’t know where they were driving to, they were just driving, being decoys. About 5 minutes into the driving, he received a call to come to Carolwood. He talked to the police there.
  • MAW didn’t tell the police about Murray approaching at the hospital because the interview was less than 10 minutes and the police zoomed in on the timeline.
  • MAW feels he had more than a professional relationship with Michael, they were friends. Michael trusted him and confided in him but MAW didn’t know that Michael had insomnia. “I was never told that " It wasn’t something diagnosed by a doctor. Michael would sometimes call him like at 2:00am asking him a question but MAW never drew a conclusion that Michael had insomnia.
  • After MAW finished interviewing the police at Carolwood, before he left, a NEW security team hired by Tohme Tohme arrived and said that MAW’s security team was released.
  • MAW waited for a “certain family” to get there before he left the residence.
  • MAW asked the police if people are allowed on the residence and the police said “we are done here, you can let them in’ When the Family came in, MAW left the residence
      ReDirect by David Walgreen:
  • They look at MAW’s phone records. Mr. Walgreen pointed out to a call placed at 12:18pm on June 25, 2009. MAW said it belonged to Derrick Cleveland (security staff). MAW said he must have called Derrick before he called Alberto Alvarez but he doesn’t remember. An immediate call, at 12:18pm also, was placed to Alberto Alvarez.
     ReCross by Ed Chernoff:
  • MAW didn’t even know about the IV stand and the vials, let alone touch them so his fingerprints shouldn’t be on them. Chernoff points out that if he doesn’t actually connect with the caller (as in get a holf of them and talk), it wouldn’t show up on customer bill. Murray’s 12:13pm call wasn’t on MAW’s phone bill because it was a missed call, MAW and Murray didn’t actually talk. Since Cleveland’s number shows on the bill, Chernoff implies that MAW actually talked to Derrick. MAW doesn’t remember talking to Derrick but he admits that if it is on his bill, he must have talked to him
  • At 1:16am on early June 25, 2009, MAW called Derrick CleveLand. This was when Michael was on route from Staples to Carolwood. (editor’s note: This refutes the claims that Michael arrived at Carolwood at 1:00am. He was still on route at 1:16am)
  • Derrick Cleveland was doing advanced (left Staples before Michael did). MAW was calling him to make sure everything is in order for their arrival to the house.
FAHEEM MUHAMMD: Michael Jackson Head of Security
  • He worked for Michael about 10 months, overseeing security detail
  • He was hired by Michael Amir Williams, initially just as a driver
  • He first met Conrad Murray around March 2009
  • He saw Murray at the residence in March, April, May and June
  • He saw Murray usually at nights, Murray would stay overnight
  • Initially, it wasn’t frequent but last month or so, this routine frequented
  • Last couple of weeks before Michael’s death, Faheem would see Murray at the house almost every night
  • On June 24, 2009, they left with Michael to Staples around 7:00pm
  • Faheem drove, MAW sat at the front, and Michael was in the back
  • Alberto Alvarez worked the advance team. Alberto would wait for them with a golf cart to take Michael to his dressing room
  • On June 24, 2009 Faheem watched rehearsals. Michael was in positive mood.
  • After rehearsal, with the same seating arrangement, they returned home
  • Faheem was present when Michael asked MAW to call Murray so he can be at the house by the time they arrived.
  • They arrived. Fans were outside. Michael stopped to greet his fans and accept gifts. They drove Michael to the front door of the house, Michael went inside. Murray’s car was in the driveway. Security carried Michael’s gifts and stuff to the bottom of stairs. Michael said “good night, I love you”. Security went to security trailer to debrief. Then he went home.
  • Faheem arrived close to noon. He left the property to go to the bank. While at the bank, he received a call from Michael Amir Williams who asked him to go upstairs. Faheem told Maw that he wasn’t at the house. MAW told Faheem that Murray called him and said that Michael had a bad reaction. Faheem was about 5 minutes away so he rushed back to the house.
  • When he arrived at the house, he called MAW to ensure that it was okay to go upstairs. MAW said to Faheem to go upstairs and see what’s going on
  • Once he is upstairs, he turns right, went in to the bedroom on the leftside
  • Upon entering, Faheem saw Alberto Alvarez pacing back and forth on rightside of the bed. Alberto told Faheem that it wasn’t looking good. Faheem asked if 911 was called, Alberto said yes. From this vantage point, Faheem could only see Michael’s legs and feet. He walked around to the leftside of the bed. Murray was on his knees on the leftside of the bed, doing chest compressions. Michael’s eyes and mouth were open
  • As a lay person, to Faheem, Michel looked dead
  • Murray asked if anyone in the room knew how to do CPR. Faheem looked at Alberto “shocked” because Murray was a cardiologist. Alberto went over to try to assist Murray.
  • Michael’s children entered, Prince was at the doorway about 2 steps inside, he probably didn’t have a visible on his father. Paris was on the outside, on the floor, on her knees and hands, crying. Faheem took the children to the nanny and told her to take the kids to the den (the place where they all were before “all the commotion”) Then Faheem instructed the security to prepare the cars, just in case they need to go to the hospital.Faheem testified that if 911 hadn’t arrived at that point within 5 to 10 minutes, they were going to take Michael to the hospital
  • When Paramedics arrived, Faheem escorted them upstairs
  • Faheem observed an IV stand in the bedroom
  • When Michael was brought to the ambulance, his children were already in an escalade, ready to follow the ambulance to the hospital
  • Upon arriving at UCLA, the security took off their jackets and used them to shield Michael’s body and the faces of children.
  • Faheem spoke to the head of security of UCLA who helped secure an empty room to put the children in. Security guarded this room. They also prepared for the arrival of Jackson Family
  • After Michael was pronounced dead, Michael Amir Williams approached Faheem and told him what Murray requested (have someone to take him back to the house). MAW and Faheem decide to tell Murray that police took their keys so they can’t take him back to the house.
  • After some time, Murray directly approached to Faheem. Murray said that he was hungry and he wanted to get something to eat. Faheem told Murray that there was a cafeteria in the hospital. When Murray asked this to Faheem, it was about 3- to 45 minutes after Michael was pronounced dead
  • After 15 or 20 minutes, Murray approached to Faheem again and told him that he was tired and he needed to leave. Faheem doesn’t recall his response verbatim but he basically told Murray that he couldn’t drive him. Faheem saw Murray leave the hospital.
  • Faheem talked to the police on June 25 at Carolwood but it was a brief talk
  • On August 31, he talked to Detective Meyers and Detective Smith
      Cross by Ed Chernoff:
  • Chernoff asked how did it come about that he talked to the police on August 31st. Faheem said that the detectives contacted his attorney. His lawyer was present when Faheem talked to the detectives on August 31st.The interview took place in his attorney’s office.
  • Faheem didn’t talk to the police at the hospital. He remembers talking to police on 2 occasion: at Carolwood after the hospital and on August 31st at his lawyer’s office. 
  • Faheem left the bedroom twice before paramedics got there. Once to escort the children to the nanny. After the children were secured, he went to instruct the security to line up the cars. Then he returned to the bedroom. The second time he left the room was right before paramedics arrived to escort the medics upstairs
  • When he first entered the bedroom, Alberto wasn’t helping Murray with the CPR, Murray was doing something on the left side of the bed. Murray was kneeling. Faheem doesn’t recall exactly if Murray was doing CPR or not.
  • Faheem didn’t witness Murray asking Alberto to put away items
  • It seemed odd that Murray asked if anyone in the room knew CPR because “the way that he asked, it was as if he didn’t know CPR”
  • Faheem arranged the children to be put into the second escalade so they didn’t see their father being brought to the ambulance. He didn’t personally escort the children to the car, he delegated the security to do it.
  • After the hospital, they were asked to come to the Carolwood. A police officer talked to Faheem, shortly after, the same police talked to Michael Amir Williams.
  • When they left Carolwood for UCLA, Faheem left 2 security personnel, Larry and Louis, with the instructions to not to go in to the house and not to let anyone in. When they returned from the hospital, Larry and Louis had changed shifts and were gone.
  • After the police interview and after the Jackson Family arrived, Faheem’s wife came to pick him up.
ALBERTO ALVAREZ: Director of Logistics
  • His duties =performing advances, route surveys and “stuff like that”
  • Performing advance= going to the venue Michael was to go and make sure everything is in order for Michael’s arrival. Route surveys= research the best route to a venue to avoid traffic
  • He met Murray sometime after January 2009 at Carolwood
  • He saw Murray at Michael’s saw regularly in April and May, 5 to 6 times a week, typically arriving in the afternoons. Murray would stay overnight
  • On June 24, 2009 he left Carolwood around 6pm to do an advance at Staples
  • When Michael arrives at Staples, Alberto would greet Michael with a gold cart that he positions such that after exiting his vehicle, Michael would get on the gold cart. Then Alberto would drive him to Michel’s dressing room. This is also what Alberto did on June 24, 2009. After the rehearsal was over, Alberto drove Michael with the golf cart back to Michael’s escalade.
  • Alberto arrived at Carolwood before Michael. Murray’s car was in the driveway
  • On June 25, 2009 he came to Carolwood around 10:15am or 10:20am
  • 12:17pm, he received a call from Michael Amir Williams. His phone was in his pocket. By the time, he got his phone out, the call went to his voice mail. He called MAW right back. MAW asked if Alberto was at the property, Alberto said yes. MAW asked Alberto to go to the front door of the residence. The front door was locked. It was a glass door he could looked into, so he peeked inside. He saw the nanny, Paris, Kai Chase in the hallway, he saw Murray on top of the stairs. (editor’s note: Murray came out of the bedroom when to ask Kai Chase to get Prince. The he went back into the bedroom with Prince. So…I am confused. Did Murray come out of the bedroom again to wait for security? Why did he leave Michael again?)
  • The nanny saw that Alberto was at the door so she opened the door for him
  • Alberto was still on the phone when he entered into the house. He informed MAW that he was now in the house. MAW said “okay, now run up to the upstairs.”
  • Alberto ran up, skipping multiple steps.
  • When Alberto reached to the top of the stairs, in the landing area- hallway on the second floor- Prince was still on second floor but was headed for the stairs to go downstairs.
  • As Alberto got to the top of the stairs, he saw Murray heading into the bedroom
  • Alberto was still on the phone with MAW. Murray said “Alberto, come quick”. Alberto hung up on MAW
  • Upon entering the room, Alberto observed that Murray was on the rightside of the bed, giving chest compressions to Michael with his left hand
  • Michael lying on the bed, his face slightly to the left, his eyes were open halfway you could see his eyeballs, his mouth was open
  • Murray said “Alberto, we need to get him to a hospital, we need to get an ambulance”
  • Paris and Prince walked in. Paris screamed “Daddy” and she started crying. Murray yelled out “get them out, don’t let them see their father like this.” Alberto escorted the children outside and left the door ajar.
  • Alberto asked Murray what happened. Murray responded “he had a bad reaction”
  • Alberto noticed that Michael’s penis was out of his underwear, a condom catheter attached
  • He noticed the IV stand on the right side of the bed
  • Murray grabbed a handful of vials from the nightstand adjacent to the bed and instructed Alberto to put them in a bag. Alberto was standing at the foot of the bed, closer to the left
  • He looked behind him and saw a grocery store type plastic bag. Alberto holds the bag open, Murray drops them into the bag.
  • Murray pointed to a direction and said “now put them in the brown bag” Alberto looked at the direction and saw a brown bag. The bag looked like a reusable lunch bag, there was a white lining inside of it. Alberto dropped the plastic bag into the brown bag
  • Murray then pointed at the IV bag and said “remove that and put it in the blue bag”
  • Alberto noticed that there was a bottle inside of the saline bag. At the bottom of the bag, there was milk like substance. The bottle was “at the bottom of the bag”
  • There was another IV bag hanging on the IV stand, Murray didn’t instruct Alberto to remove the second IV bag
  • Murray now asked Alberto to call 911
  • When the 911 call was over, Alberto said to Murray that they needed to move Michael to the floor. Alberto went for Micheal’s legs to carry him but there was an IV in his leg. Murray took off the IV, Alberto grabbed Michael’s left, Murray grabbed his upper body and they moved Michael to the floor. (editor’s note: Yet, Paramedic Senneff and Blount testified that when they entered, the patient was on the bed and THEY moved Michael to the floor. It isn’t adding up) Before moving Michael to the floor, Murray placed a pulse oxymeter on Michael’s finger. Alberto saw this pulse oxymeter "a few days" before when Murray came to the security trailer to ask for batteries for the device. (editor’s note: Was Murray replacing the batteries or was that the first time he was putting in batteries? If it was the first time, it means, Murray started using the oxymeter a few days ago)
  • When they moved Michael to the floor, Alberto saw Faheem Muhammad enter the room
  • Alberto approached to Faheem and said “It’s not looking good”. They looked at each other puzzled. At this point, they heard Murray say “does anybody know CPR?”
  • Murray instructed Alberto to do chest compressions. Alberto did so with two hands
  • Murray was giving mouth-to-mouth. After Murray gave the second breathe to Michael, he said “this is the first time I give mouth-to-mouth but I have to do it because he is my friend” and he continued to do mouth-to-mouth
  • After couple of minutes, paramedics came in and they took over
  • Michael’s body was moved from the side of the bed to the foot of the bed
  • When Alberto picked up Michael’s legs to move him, his body was limp
  • According to Alberto’s opinion, Michael appeared dead
  • Alberto made sure that the children didn’t see Michael being brought out on stretcher
  • At the hospital, the first time Murray approached Alberto, he said “thank you for all you did” Alberto said “we tried our best” Murray approached Alberto later again asking someone to take him home. Alberto didn’t answer so Murray approached Michael Amir Williams with the same request.
  • They left the hospital after 5pm, they returned to Carolwood
  • He remained at the residence for about 10 minutes, and then he was instructed to take the children’s dog (named Kenya, a Labrador) to Jackson Family at HayvenHurst Property
      Cross by Ed Chernoff:
  • They moved Michael to the floor WHILE he was on the 911 call
  • While doing one handed compressions with his left hand, Alberto didn’t notice where Murray’s other hand was.
  • When Murray said “we need an ambulance, we need to get him to the hospital”, Alberto reached for his phone to call 911 but then the children entered into the room
  • Both Murray and Alberto agreed that they needed to tend to the children
  • Alberto’s call with Michael lasted 88 seconds
  • 12:18pm is when Alberto got a hold of Michael Amir Williams
  • At Carolwood, there is a surveillance camera that records and times
  • Alberto doesn’t know where all surveillance cameras were pointing. He knows there is one at the gate and another by the garage
  • The front door of the house is always locked. The kitchen door close to the security trailer is locked for the most part. The only times they are allowed to go into the residence is if they needed to use the restroom and they would use the kitchen door
  • When Faheem entered, Michael was already moved onto the floor
  • Murray grabbed the vials from the nightstand with his right hand
  • Alberto was at the foot of the bed, facing the bed when Murray asked for a bag for the vials. Alberto spotted a plastic bag on a chair. The chair was located to the right of the bed, the foot of the bed, and is about 3 to 3 feet away. The brown and blue bags were on the side of the chair, on the floor
  • The IV bag that was left was the one that was connected to Michael. The one Murray asked Alberto to remove was not connected to Michael
  • Alberto remembers seeing an ambu bag in the room
  • When the police talked to Alberto at the hospital and at Carolwood, he didn’t mention about Murray hiding the vials because at that time it didn’t strike him as suspicious. “You were just going to pack up to go to the hospital, is that what you thought?” asked Chernoff. Alberto responded “correct, sir”
  • Murray team sent an investigator to talk to Alberto. He declined talking to her and directed her to his lawyer. Alberto sais he was directed by his attorney not to talking to defense investigator.
  • In February 2010, he was employed at Hayvenhurst as children’s security
  • He worked only for 2 months then he was terminated by Jackson Family
  • Alberto was scheduled to go to with Michael to London for the tour
      Redirect by David Walgreen:
  • Since Michael’s death, media made repeated requests to interview him
  • Mr. Walgreen asked “do you have the ability to differentiate the difference between a legitimate journalist, a defense investigator, or any other person who wish to speak to you about this case?” Alberto replied “no sir”
      Recross by Ed Chernoff:
  • On August 31, 2009, during his interview with the police, Alberto said that he wanted to help the police first. “Maybe at a later time, I might sell my story but not just yet” said Alberto to the police.
KAI CHASE: Michael Jackson Personal Chef
  • Began working for Michael in the end of March as a personal chef
  • Typically, she would come to MJ property at 8am
  • She prepares breakfast, lunch and dinner for Michael and his kids
  • She occasional prepared meals for Conrad Murray & MJ guests
  • “On accasion” Michael sat to eat breakfast with his kids, “typically” Murray would take breakfast to Michael’s bedroom
  • On June 24, 2009, she arrived sometime between 8am-8:30am
  • June 24th, she saw Murray in the morning when he came downstairs to take some juice to Michael’s bedroom
  • June 24th, Michael came to kitchen and said “good afternoon”. Kai Chase told him that he looked good. He asked if the lunch was ready, she said “yes”
  • June 24th, Michael and his kids sat at the dining room table to eat lunch (Tuna salad)
  • Around 10:00 or 10:30am, she saw Murray leave the residence
  • Michael’s rehearsal on June 24 was at his home. He liked the tuna salad he had at lunch, he asked to have some more salad as a snack for his rehearsal.
  • Michael wanted her to prepare meals and keep them in fridge for him and “possibly for Murray” to eat when he returned from rehearsals. She left Tuscan White Bean Soup in the fridge so Michael and Murray can eat after June 24 rehearsals
  • She left Michael’s home at 10:00pm on June 24th
  • When she left, she didn’t see Murray’s car in the driveway
  • She arrived at Michael’s home on June 25th sometime between 8 and 8:30am
  • Tuscan White Bean Soup was still in the fridge, untouched
  • She prepared breakfast for Michael’s children
  • Around 9 or 9:30am, she went to the market.
  • She returned around 9:45am and started to prepare lunch
  • Michael and his children would have lunch around 12:30pm. It was a consistent routine
  • Murray didn’t come down as usual to get juice for Michael
  • She first saw Murray sometime around 12:05pm or 12:10pm
  • Murray came down the stairs that lead to the kitchen
  • He was in panic, he screamed to get help, to get Prince and to call security
  • She told Prince “Hurry, Dr. Murray is asking for you. I think something may be wrong with your dad”
  • Prince went upstairs; Kai Chase remained in the kitchen
  • Shortly after Prince went upstairs, Kai Chase heard the housekeepers crying
  • She asked why they were crying, one of the housekeepers told her that something may be wrong with Michael.
  • Kai Chase, housekeepers, nanny and Michael’s children were all in the den crying, they held hands and pray
  • She stayed at the residence until 1:00pm then security asked her to leave
  • She didn’t see the paramedics leave the house, she was gone by then
  • Murray never asked her to call 911
  • Murray remained at the top of the stairs and he leaned against the rail when he asked her to get Prince
     Cross by Joseph Low:
  • She started working in March. She was let go in May, rehired in June
  • Michael required healthy food. She was hired to cook healthy organic meals.
  • She would see Murray come down with Oxygen tanks every day or every other day
  • Oxygen tanks had valve and some hoses, like the ones “elderly or sick people have”
  • She used service entrance to come into the house. The door would be locked, she would knock and the children would open.
  • Mr. Low points out that Kai Chase understood the urgency in Murray’s voice when he asked for “Prince and security” but after Prince went upstairs, she didn’t call security
  • She knows that she saw Murray between 12:00-12:0pm because she had looked at her cell phone. Mr. Low sarcastically said “do your numbers on your cell give you a variety of numbers to pick from as to the time?”. She replied that she wasn’t looking at her phone when she saw Murray, she had looked at it minutes before she saw him.
      Redirect by Deborah Brazil:
  • Murray usually comes down at 10:00am to get juices for Michael
  • Deborah Brazil asked Kai Chase if when Murray asked for security and Prince, did he say “security AND Prince” or “Security OR Prince”. Kai Chase said “there was no “and”. There was no “or”, it was ‘Get security. Get Prince’
  • She said Prince was in her eyesight. From the kitchen, she can see the den where the children were. Her instinct was to move quick and get Prince rather than to go out and get security.
  • The first information he received was an audio alarm in the fire station. The alarmed announced the location and that the incident was “a cardiac arrest”
  • Paramedic Martin Blount drove the ambulance; Senneff rode on the passenger side
  • They reached MJ home 4 minutes after 911 call
  • Michael’s security personnel escorted the paramedics into the house
  • Mr. Senneff is the first Paramedic in the house, he was directed to go upstairs
  • When he walked into the bedroom, he saw Murray who was at the far side of the bed when you enter the room, “at the nightstand side of the bed, reaching over the patient"
  • He saw a “thin, pale patient” pajama bottom son, pajama top open, with a nightcap on, laying on the bed.
  • “On the bed” he was asked”, he replies “on the bed. He said when he entered the room, he saw Murray attempting to move Michael from bed to the floor, he was “halfway between the two.”
  • For convenience, their job was determined by where they sit in the ambulance. He sat on the passenger side, that meant he was the “radio man” , he was in charged of information gathering
  • Murray identified himself as Michael’s doctor
  • There was no medical equipment hooked to Michael
  • He did see an IV stand
  • He asked Murray what was the underlying medical condition. Murray didn’t answer so Senneff repeated the question. Murray answered “there isn’t any.”
  • Senneff testified it was unusual to come into a home to find a doctor and an IV pole. The patient was “pale and underweight” so Senneff thought it was "a hospice patient" or the patient was being treated for a “chronic illness”.  It didn’t add up.”
  • Murray said “he doesn’t have a problem, he is fine. He was practicing all night. I am just treating him for dehydration.”
  • Senneff asked Murray “is he taking anything?” Murray replied “No, NONE, he is not taking anything.” Senneff repeated the question because “it didn’t add up.” This time, Murray replied “well, I gave him a little bit of Lorazepam to help him sleep.” Senneff asked “That is it?” Murray replied “That’s it”. Senneff asked “just Lorazepam?” Murray replied “just Lorazepam to help him sleep”.
  • Senneff asked Murray how long Michael was in that conditioned. Murray said “it just happened when I called you”
  • They moved Michael to the foot of the bed on the floor for a better working area. Michael’s head was towards the fireplace, his foot was towards the paramedics
  • When he picked Michael’s legs to move him, the legs was “cool to the touch”
  • Michael’s eyes were dry
  • They hook Michael to EKG machine, it flat-lined with some pulseless electrical activity
  • “The heart is designed keep working. So it has a series of backup systems in it” which are “the heart’s pacemakers”. These pacemakers are located in different areas. If one of them is firing a signal to try to restart the heart but the signal is not spreading through the entire heart. That is when you get a pulseless electrical activity.
  • EKG showed Michael was asystole. Senneff doesn’t believe that “it just happened” as Murray claims. Senneff guesses that maybe 20 minutes has elapsed but not hours.
  • Michael’s hands and feet were “tinged blue. It means that there has been respiration and the red blood cells weren’t red anymore.”
  • Michael’s eyes were “blown” and his pupils were dilated.
  • Senneff is asked “from the time you get to the scene, throughout your care and transport to UCLA, in your opinion, was the patient deceased?” Senneff replied “yes”
  • All paramedic care happened at the foot of the bed
  • IV was hooked onto Michael in the inside of his left calf
  • IV appeared to be standard saline bag
  • To revive Michael, they administered epinephrine (adrenaline, kick-starts the heart) and atropine (“it takes the breaks off the heart so the heart can accelerate”)
  • While epinephrine and atropine were administered, compressions and ventilation continued
  • Martin Blount was responsible for the ventilation (endotracheal intubation= a tube inserted in trachea and air is pumped directly into lungs)
  • Capnograhy= to read carbon dioxide levels from the body. This was to determine how well the intubation was. Bad capnograhy readings indicate wrong positioning of the endotracheal tube.
  • Senneff authored the 902-M form (medical services form for each patient)
  • The initial reading was 16. Normal was around 36, upto 40 so the 16 reading was very low. They move air in and out. The reading increased to 26, indicating that the tuba was at correct place. This took stress off of the team. Because once they had good airway, they can “move forward”
  • Epinephrine and atropine was administered through the IV that was already in place but they had to make some adjustments
  • When they got there: IV stand= IV bag hanging from it, the tubing from the IV bag is attached to Michael’s leg. Then off of the tube, there is a port for administering drugs. This was a needle system. LAPD paramedics had switched to needle-less IV system awhile back. They had to remove the saline lock of the port system. Let the hub in and put a new one in.
  • They administered 2 rounds of Epinephrine and atropine
  • EKG rhythm didn’t change, Michael was still asystole
  • When they first got there, one of the paramedics (Mark Goodwin) attempted to start a new IV because they don’t trust another IV that is already in place. Goodwin was searching for Michael’s arms for a good IV place. Senneff decided to use the IV in place until Goodwin starts a new one but before a new IV was started, this one was compromised.
  • After the 2 rounds, leg IV was compromised: Conrad Murray took some cardiac care medicine from paramedic’s open medical kit and injected it to Michael. They had to start a new IV
  • Mark Goodwin inserted needles to various locations in both of Michael’s arms to find a good vein.
  • Finally, they decide to start an IV on the left jugular, left side of the neck. It would produce better results because it was a bigger vein that veins in arms or legs.
  • He didn’t feel any pulse during his care, no other paramedics indicate to him that they felt any pulse. Murray claimed he felt a femoral pulse. Right after Murray said that, Senneff checked his EKG monitor but he didn’t see any changes. It is common that a good CPR may cause blood pressure, thus, an occasional weak femoral pulse. To try to determine if there was really a pulse, Senneff said “stop compressions, continue ventilations”. He checked the femoral pulse but he didn’t feel any pulse.
  • At some point, Senneff contacts the base station.
  • He reported to the base station the third round of resuscitation efforts, informed that there was no change on the patient. Paramedics operate under standard protocols communicated by the trained nurses at the base station. After giving third round of resuscitation drug, there was no change in Michael’s condition. At 12:57pm, UCLA base station advised that further resuscitation efforts on Michael would be futile. UCLA advised Senneff to call it. Murray said “No, I don’t want to call it, I want to keep trying.” Senneff informs UCLA base station that the patient was a very high profile VIP and that “the physician on scene doesn’t want to call it”. UCLA base station asked if Murray is willing to assume complete control. Murray agreed to assume care
  • Murray had some ideas in mind in order to revive. He wanted to administer a center line Another Murray idea was to administer magnesium.  But these were beyond the scope of medic’s training and they didn’t have the proper equipment. These were things to do at the hospital. So they transport Michael for UCLA
  • As part of the protocol, Murray had to ride in the ambulance with Michael
  • Gurney was heavy and was at the bottom of the stairs. So they brought up a “flat” to carry Michael to the gurney at the bottom of the stairs. They also carried as much of their equipment as they can.
  • Senneff went back upstairs to retrieve the remaining of his equipment
  • When he entered the room, Senneff saw Murray by the side of the bed where the nightstand is, he was holding a plastic trash bag, picking things up.
  • In the ambulance, Senneff was sitting at the head of the gurney. Michael’s head was between his knees. Other 2 paramedics Martin Blount and Mark Goodwin, and Conrad Murray were also in the back of the ambulance.
  • When they arrived at UCLA, Murray asked if they could cover Michael’s face with a towel. Considering the crowd outside of the hospital, paramedics agreed.
  • Senneff informed the Emergency doctors of the resuscitation efforts
       Cross by Joseph Low :
  • Senneff said if the patient isn’t breathing, the first thing you do is to breathe for them.
  • Senneff asked Murray if there was an advance life directive such as a do-not-resuscitate-order, hydrate or not, give oxygen or not, compression or not etc. Murray said “no there is not”
  • When paramedics pulled into the driveway, one of Michael’s security said “somebody should do CPR”
  • Mr. Low asked if when Senneff walked into the bedroom, he saw Murray administering CPR. Senneff replied “The CPR to me would be pressing on the chest and blowing into the mouth. That is not what I saw. What I saw was the good doctor taking his shoulder, looked like he was about to slide him off the edge of the bed.”
  • Then Murray moves away and paramedics move Michael to a better working area (editor's note: When paramedics entered, Murray was sliding Michael onto the floor to the left side of the bed. Paramedics then moved Michael from the left side of the bed to the foot of the bed, on the floor. This testimony contradicts Alberto Alvarez's statement that Murray and Alvarez moved Michel to the floor before paramedic's arrival)
  • IV pole was adjacent to the bed, approximately where Michael’s knees were
  • IV pole approximately one foot away from the bed
  • “He needed to gain a few pounds to be what I would think is an average healthy person” “very very very underweight, like what you see when you see a terminal patient” “I could see ribs”
  • After Murray identified himself as Michael’s doctor, he wanted the medics to intubate Michael
  • As soon as they moved Michael on the floor, they started doing compressions. Meanwhile they are ventilating using ambu bag while the intubation is set up.
  • Mr. Low stated that it is normal for someone in charge of resuscitating efforts to say things like “go call 911” or “come here, help me do CPR”. He said the person in charge facilitates the resuscitation events but he doesn’t do everything himself. Mr. Low implied that when Murray asked if anyone knew CPR, he asked it for that person to come help him, not because he didn't know CPR
  • They did not defibrillate Michael because “when you defibrillate, it briefly stops the heart, gives it a chance for the hearts primary pacemaker to take over and start beating. We didn’t see ventricular fibrillation. That’s why we didn’t shock.”
  • While in the ambulance on their way to UCLA, Murray asked for another round of Epinephrine and atropine, which was done.
  • Paramedics did above and beyond the call of duty to try to revive Michael. They didn’t do so because it was Michael Jackson but because “it was someone’s son.”
  • Joseph Low stated that no matter how hard paramedics try to bring somebody back to life “when it is their time to go, it is time to go”.
     Redirect by David Walgreen:   
  • Murray didn’t offer to do a central like from his equipment
  • Murray didn’t offer to administer magnesium from his equipment
  • In Senneff’s opinion, based on all resuscitation efforts such as EKG readings, capnograhy, Michael was dead.
  • There are lots of variables in determining how long the patient has been down. Based on Senneff’s experience, he guesses that Michael was down 20 minutes to an hour before their arrival
  • From their arrival to their transport to UCLA, there was no viable heart rhythm
     Recross by Joseph Low:
  • Mr Low asked that hypothetically assuming that 911 was called at 12:05, would that timeline fits into Senneff’s estimate that Michael was down 20 minutes to an hour. Senneff answered yes, IF the call was made at 12:05, it would fit his estimate
     Redirect by David Walgreen:
  • Mr. Walgreen asked what time the 911 call was made. Senneff answered “12:21”
     ReCross by Joseph Low:
  • 911 call came in at 12:21, paramedics were dispatched at 12:22, they arrived at Michael’s home at 12:26
              Direct Examination by David Walgreen:
  • 5 paramedics entered into the bedroom, Blount was in the back, fourth or fifth in line
  • When Blount first entered the bedroom, he observed a male patient lying on the bed
  • His colleagues moved Michael to the floor
  • When they arrived, he observed Murray to be sweating profusely. Murray was “very animated”, “he was like ‘hey you need to help him, he isn’t breathing’”
  • He was the driver so he was considered “more or less the patient person” (editor’s note: Paramedic Senneff testified that their duty was determined by the way they were sitting in the ambulance.)
  • Murray was asked if the patient has taken any “recreational drugs”, Murray said no
  • Murray said that they reason the patient was hooked onto an IV was because he rehearsed the night before and he was exhausted and dehydrated
  • Murray said that a week prior, Michael had gone to get a physical from his private physician (editors’ note: I thought Murray was MJ’s private physician. Was Murray referring to the AEG insurance physical? If yes, I thought MJ took that physical in February. Question by Walgreen: “were you ever told anything by Doctor Murray regarding the patient having received a physical”? Blount replied “yes”. Walgreen asked “what did he tell you in that regard?” Blount said “That the patient had received a physical a week prior to this episode”)
  • Blount heard Murray say that Michael was down “about a minute” before calling 911
  • Beside the IV stand and an oxygen tank, Blount didn’t seee any other medical equipment
  • Blount was at the heat of the patient. First thing he did was to intubate Michael. Paramedic Senneff hooked Michael to EKG monitor
  • Blount is giving air to patient, another is doing compressions, another is looking for an IV. They noticed that the IV on Michael’s leg wasn’t “patent” meaning it wasn’t flowing properly. Paramedic Mark Goodwin was looking for a good IV site in the arms, he is inserting needles to various locations in Michael’s arms but having a hard time finding one
  • Blount testified that the patient was cool to the touch. Walgreen asked “and what does that mean to you?” Blount responded “it seems like he has been down for awhile”.
  • Blount didn’t observe any viable heart rhythms on the EKG monitor. It was asystole the whole time they were there
  • Getting good capnograhy reading means intubation was successful
  • They were having hard time finding a good vein for IV. Senneff administers epinephrine and atropine through jugular. Before Senneff went for jugular, Murray pulled out a blue 22 gauge hypodermic needle and said “we should be able to use this” Blount thought that Murray pulling out a syringe was “odd” because when they asked Murray if he had given Michael any drugs, he had said no.
  • Michael’s eyes were fixed and dilated meaning that “he has been down for quiet awhile”
  • In his opinion, the patient was dead
  • Blount noticed 3 bottles of lidocaine on the floor
  • Blount described lidocaine as “anti-rhythmic drug”, “a form of an anesthetic”
  • Blount never felt a pulse on Michael at any point
  • Blount never saw any viable heart rhythm on EKG monitor
  • When Murray checked Michael’s femoral pulse, Blount notices the condom catheter
  • Condom catheter= commonly used in surgeries when patient is anesthetized
  • While they were preparing Michael for the UCLA transport, Blount noticed that Murray “scooped” Lidocaine bottles of the floor and put them into a black bag
  • There were 3 paramedics and Murray, riding in the back of the ambulance
  • Murray made a cell phone call in route to UCLA
  • In route to UCLA, there was no change in the patient
  • Blount recognized the patient as Michael Jackson
  • Blount gave air to Michael while in ambulance and while wheeling him to ER
  • After he restocked equipment, Blount requested permission from one of the nurses to go to the area where 9-10 doctors were working on Michael. Murray was also in there. Blount wanted to recover one of his equipment. Blount was surprised that the resuscitation effort was still going on because in his opinion, the patient was dead and he thought it would have been done by now
      Cross by Joseph Low:
  • Blount thinks the patient had been dead for 20 to 30 minutes before they got there
  • Blount heard that one of his team medics asked Murray if Michael was using any “recreational drugs” and Murray’s response was “no”
  • Blount saw Paramedic Mark Goodwin inject Michael at least 3 times on both arms to try to get a viable vein to start an IV. There was “no vein access” no matter how hard they tried. One of the reasons was because Michael was “underweight”. Mr. Low asked if they would have difficulty getting a viable vein in patients who are drug addicts. Blount replies “not really”. Blount said there was even an occasion where he was able to find viable vein in a heroine user with tattoos. Mr. Low asked “is it a fair generalization that with people who are known drug addicts, it is difficult to find a viable vein?” Blount responds “yes”
  • Mr. Low asked if when they first arrived Michael appeared dead, why did they even try to resuscitate. Blount responds that it is just protocol, they do everything they can to revive the patient
     Re-Direct by David Walgreen:
  • If the patient has no viable heart then there is no blood circulation
  • If there is no circulation, veins collapse, finding it difficult to find a viable vein
  • It could have been more than 3 times that Paramedic Mark Goodwin stuck Michael in both arms to find viable vein
      Testifying about one of Murray's cell phones
      I-Phone (702)###0972
            Direct Examination by Deborah Brazil:
  • Dhaliwal is asked what it means that “data is pushed into one’s phone”.
  • For data received from the internet (email), one can set their I-Phone to receive data every 15 minutes, or every 30 minutes, every hour or they can do this manually by checking their email. Each time when a data is pushed, it is recorded
  • On June 25, 2009, Murray received a data at 12:04am, 1:04am, 3:04am, 6:04a so it is possible that Murray’s phone is set to receive data every hour. These data transmission times doesn’t indicate that the person is necessarily holding their phone in their hands. This is an automatic activity on the phone
  • 6:61am Text message
  • 7:03am Data (email)
  • 7:29am Data
  • 8:14am Data
  • 8:29am Text Message (from or to Texas)
  • 8:54am Data
  • 9:00am Text Message (from or to Texas)
  • 9:11am Text message (from or to Texas)
  • 9:35am Data
  • 10:04am Data
  • 10:15am Data
  • 10:26 Text Message (from or to Texas)
  • 10:44am Data
  • 11:08 Data
  • 12:03am Data
  • 12:04pm Text Message (from or to Texas)
  • 12:13pm Data
  • 12:18pm Data
  • 12:53pm Text Message (from or to California)
  • 1:23pm Text Message (from or to Nevada)
  • 2:19pm Data
  • 2:54pm
  • 3:23pm
  • 3:30pm
  • 3:33pm
  • 3:58pm
  • 4:03pm
(editor’s note: The type of activity on above times aren’t specified)

  • 9:23am incoming call, 22 minutes
  • 10:14am incoming call, 2 minutes
  • 11:07am incoming call, 1 minute
  • 11:18am outgoing call, 32 minutes
  • 11:49am outgoing call, 3 minutes
  • 11:51am outgoing call, 11 minutes
  • 12:12pm outgoing call, 1 minute
  • 12:35pm incoming call, 1 minute
      Cross by Ed Chernoff:
  • The contents of the text message and voice mails can be retrieved but it is beyond the scope of Mr. Dhaliwal’s expertise, he doesn’t know how
JEFF STROHM: Sprint Employee
      Testifying about one of Murray's cell phones
      Direct by Deborah Brazil:
  • 7:01am outgoing call, 25 seconds
  • 8:49am incoming call, 53 seconds
  • 10:22am incoming call, 111 seconds
  • 10:34am outgoing call, 517 seconds
  • 11:26am incoming call, 7 seconds
  • 1:08pm outgoing call, 2 minutes
  • There is a room in the Emergency Room area at UCLA. Radio nurses work there, taking calls from the paramedics that are in the field about the protocol and care given to patients. This is the base station. Richelle Cooper assists the radio nurses need any assistance.
  • On June 25, 2009, she was called to assist the radio nurse. When radio nurses take a call, they prepare summary reports. When she was called to assist, Richelle Cooper looked at this report so she can asses the situation. The patient was asystolic, nonresponsive without pulse or breathing. The paramedics had intubated the patient and administered the protocol rescue drugs which produced no circulation.  Radio nurse report noted the estimated time of cardiac arrest to be 12:18pm. While it is possible that this  estimated time of cardiac arrest came from Murray, she doesn’t have the first hand knowledge of where this information came from.
  • As per LA County EMS Protocols when “a patient found without a pulse, not breathing, pupils fixed and dilated, attempted resuscitation, no response to the resuscitation and resuscitation efforts more than 20 minutes”, the patient is then pronounced dead.
  • She didn’t know that the patient was Michael Jackson at the time but at 12:57pm, she authorized the paramedics to pronounce the patient dead. During this call, she was informed that the patient was Michael Jackson and that there was a personal physician at the scene who wanted to resume resuscitation efforts including Bicarb.
  • She said that if this was a doctor with a valid California license, the paramedics would give the Bicarb and the doctor has to accompany the transport of the patient to the nearest hospital.
  • She delegated staff and they prepared for the arrival of the patient
  • As Michael was wheeled in, Dr Cooper asked Murray “what happened?” Murray said Michael had been in his usual state of health, not ill and that Michael was rehearsing very hard, he was dehydrated, having problems sleeping and that to help him sleep, Murray gave Lorazepam through an IV
  • Dr. Cooper asked Murray what medication Michael was given. Murray said at some point in the morning, he gave Michael 2ml Lorazepam. At another point, he gave another 2ml Lorazepam and then “witnessed the patient’s arrest”. David Walgreen asked “he indicated that he witnessed the arrest?”. Dr. Cooper responded “yes”. “As a doctor, when someone says ‘I witnessed the arrest’, what does it mean to you?” asked David Walgreen. Dr. Cooper testified that “It means you are in the room and you have seen the event where the patient has died in front of you.”
  • Dr. Cooper asked Murray what other medications did the patient take. Murray named Flomax and Valium. Dr. Cooper inquired about any other medications, narcotics or drugs that Michael was taking or was given. Murray told her that there was no other drugs, no seizure activity and the patient didn’t complaint of any chest pains
  • Valium=Sedative. Flomax=treats urinary problems if someone has enlarged prostate
  • When the patient was brought in, he had no signs of life.
  • As a layperson, she testified that Michael was dead
  • Still, the hospital team tried to revive Michael
  • They confirmed that endotracheal tube was in correct place
  • They were able to ventilate the patient
  • They put an ultrasound on Michael’s heart to see if there was any “cardiac wall motion”
  • There was some movement of the heart and the valve but it wasn’t so strong that the heart was pumping. There was no viable pulse. They administered drugs.  While all this rescue work is being done, Michael is ventilated and administered CPR.  The cardiac monitor is on.
  • Chest compressions sometimes create artificial pulse. So when you feel a pulse, you stop for a moment to see if the body is creating that pulse independent of the chest compressions.
  • Dr. Cooper never felt a pulse on Michael
  • Rescue drugs Michael received at UCLA: Epinephrine, Sodium Bicarbonate, Vasopressin, a dopamine drip, epinephrine and Bicarb drip
  • No change in Michel’s condition after these rescue drugs
  • Dr. Cooper was the one to decide to pronounce Michael dead at 2:26pm
  • From the first time she authorized the pronouncement at 12:57pm to when she pronounced at 2:26pm, there was no chance in Michael’s condition
  • When a patient with critical condition is brought in, UCLA has pre-arranged registration packs which includes paperwork they will need and labels. The labels are used until the official registration. Different names are used to avoid labeling every critical patient “John Doe”. This system enables immediately begin treating critical patients upon arrival without waiting on registry which would delay care. The label that they used for Michael was “Gershwin”
  • Condom catheter= “urinary catheter to collect urine” It is used with someone who has problems with incontinence or with patients who are sedated for surgery
  • When Michael was brought into UCLA, he had condom catheter on
  • Murray never mentioned to Dr. Cooper that he gave Michael propofol
  • Beside Lorazepam and Valium, Murray didn’t mention any other benzodiazepines
  • She is asked if she ever been “involved in, witnessed or been present” where a doctor administered Propofol in home setting. She responded “No”
  • She is asked if she is familiar with Propofol. She said she uses it in ER
  • She is asked what Propofol is used for. She said it is used when performing a painful procedure and “the patient needs to be sedated deeply”
  • “I have never seen it used or heard of it used in a home setting”
      Cross by Michel Flanagan:
  • Dr. Cooper administered Propofol to patients
  • She is “Board Certified Emergency Medical Physician with privileges for procedural sedation at UCLA”
  • Flanagan asked her if one has to be an anesthesiologist to administer propofol, she responded “any doctor can use any medication”
  • Flanagan questioned her that she authorized for the first pronouncement at 12:57pm. The patient arrived at UCLA at 1:13pm. Yet, they still tried to revive Michael. Why? The report indicated that Murray felt a faint pulse which conflicted the report by Paramedics who felt no pulse. She decided to continue resuscitation efforts at UCLA to make sure.
  • Nurse scribe note documented “13:21, weak femoral pulse palpated without CPR” The identity of who felt the weak pulse wasn’t noted.
  • When someone reported that they felt a weak pulse, Dr. Cooper looked at the monitor and saw “the slow wide rhythm” She then put the ultrasound on the heart and she saw the same cardiac activity.  She attempted to feel a pulse but she didn’t. So at 13:22, she ordered the CRP to resume.
  • When the patient arrived, initially Murray had gloves on and he was hands-on. Then Dr. Cooper told him that he wasn’t allowed to provide care to Michael at UCLA.
  • She said that often people feel pulses that they are not there. It could be their own pulse. She herself didn’t feel any pulse on Michael.
  • Murray told Dr. Cooper that he was present when Michael stopped breathing
  • Dr. Copper testified that witnessing an arrest is being in the room and observing that the patient stopped breathing; Flanagan argues that the interpretation of “witnessed an arrest” could change from individual to individual. Flanagan asked if she inquired further after Murray said he witnessed the arrest. Dr. Cooper said that she didn’t and because she was busy resuscitating the patient.
  • When Murray told her that he gave Michael on two occasions 2ml of Lorazepam, Dr. Copper didn’t inquire about the times. Flanagan asked “Wouldn’t the time be of important significance to you?” Dr. Cooper replied “I assumed I was receiving a clear testimony. ‘I was at the patient’s bed. I gave 2ml of Lorazepam. I witnessed arrest. I instituted CPR. 911 was called’ My assumption is that this was all proximate to paramedics arriving and the patient arriving to me”
  • Flanagan asked hypothetically if the patient went into arrest after 2ml Lorazepam, what would be the treatment. She testified that 2ml of Lorazepam wouldn’t cause an arrest. It may cause respiratory depression.
  • Conservative dose of sedation = 1 ml per kg
  • It varies from patient to patient but 60ml should sedate Michael
  • Dr. Cooper doesn’t think 25ml of Propofol would sedate Michael
  • Flanagan asked if hypothetically, Michael, 136 lbs 60kg, was given 1m per kg dose, how long the sedation would last. She responded “somewhere between 10-20 minutes”
  • Flanagan asked if Murray gave Michael 25ml Propofol between 10:40 and 10:50am, would she expect breathing problems to arise by noon. Dr. Cooper responds “I don’t know why one would be using a medicine that is used to produce deep sedation and not give a dose that is sedating.”
  • Flanagan asked if hypothetically Michael was given 25ml Propofol over 3 to 5 minute period of time, with slow infusion, between 10:40 to 10:50pm, and the patient stopped breathing at 12:00pm, would she think that the adverse affect is related to the propofol. She said that if she sedated a patient and the patient stopped breathing, she would be concerned about the drugs she gave in addition to the drug that produced sedation
  • Flanagan asked IF Murray did tell her that he gave Michael 25ml Propofol 10:40am, would that have changed her resuscitation efforts. She responded “No”
  • If the patient isn’t given repeat doses, 1ml per kg, onset time is “within a minute” and she expects the patient to be awake in “10 to 20 minutes”
  • Flanagan asked again that if hypothetically, 25 ml Propofol was given to a patient weighing 60kg, between 10:40 to 10:50am, and the patient suffers cardiac arrest at 12:00pm, would she link the two. Dr. Cooper said she would be concerned about other medications given
  • Flanagan asked if the propofol was the cause of 12:00pm cardiac arrest. She said that if the patient was fully awake and normal after the sedation and no other medication were given subsequently, then no, she wouldn’t link them
  • “There could be an additive affect if there is more than one sedative administered”
  • Flanagan asked “but the additive affect would only have an effect as long as the propofol was administered?” Dr. Cooper responded “Yes”  
  • Flanagan asked “You wouldn’t expect any effect after an hour?” “If a single dose of propofol is given in one-dose, I wouldn’t expect that, with a patient with normal health, to still have an effect on sedation in an hour”
     Redirect by David Walgreen:
  • Mr. Walgreen pointed out that in Flanagan’s hypothetical question, she was asked to ASSUME that Murray only gave 25ml between 10:40 to 10:50am. Mr. Walgreen asked Dr. Cooper if she assumed that Murray giving only 25ml between 10:40 to 10:50am was a truthful statement. She responded “correct”. If this was not a truthful statement, her answer would vary considerably
  • Mr. Walgreen asked her if a patient was given multiple doses of sedatives, then subsequently was given propofol, would that cause the cardiac arrest. She said “Yes”
  • So the patient’s medical history was important in the resuscitation efforts
  • She was not given whole medical history by Murray
  • Protocol mandates that propofol be is used in hospital setting with proper monitoring and trained personnel
  • Oxygen monitor, carbon dioxide monitor, equipment to check for and manage breathing, heart monitor and there needs to be someone whose ONLY job is to monitor the sedation.
      Recross by Michael Flanagan:
  • He asked Dr. Cooper if Murray told her that he had been administering Propofol, would it have made any difference in her resuscitative efforts. She responded “No”
     Redirect by David Walgreen:
  • If Murray gave the full list of medication he gave to Michael, it would have given her a clear explanation of what happened.
THAO NGUYEN: Michael Jackson Personal Assistant
  • She works at Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (CCU)
  • Dr. Richelle Cooper asked her to come to ER on June 25, 2009
  • Dr. Cooper introduced Dr. Nguyen to Murray
  • Dr. Nguyen started to ask questions to Murray to find out what happened
  • Murray told Dr. Nguyen that Michael was preparing for an upcoming Tour in England, that he was very tired, he had difficulty sleeping and that Murray gave some drugs to help Michael sleep
  • Dr. Nguyen asked Murray what drugs he gave to Michael. Murray responded that he gave 4mg of Lorazepam through IV
  • Dr. Nguyen asked Murray “Did you give any other medications besides Lorazepam? Are there any other sedatives or narcotics?” Murray replied “No”
  • Dr. Nguyen asked “Did you try to reverse the affects of Atavan”. Murray replied “No”
  • Dr. Nguyen asked “What happened after you gave the medication?” Murray said that he later found the patient not breathing. Murray didn’t know what time he found the patient not breathing. Dr. Nguyen asked Murray to estimate it in relation to the time 911 was called. Murray said that he didn’t
    have a watch so he didn’t have any concept of time. (editor's note: Murray also told detective Orlando Martinez that before giving Michael 25ml Propofol on June 25, 2009, he looked at his watch to see how long time had lapsed since the prior medication)

  • Murray asked Dr. Nguyen not to give up easily and try to save Michael
  • Murray didn’t mention giving Michael any drugs, except Lorazepam
  • To resuscitate Michael, they placed an “intra-aortic balloon”. It was the last ditch effort.
  • Intra-aortic balloon is a “device placed in the aorta, to decrease the demand on the heart and increase the supply of oxygen supply to the heart”
  • Before inserting the intra-aortic balloon, there was an understanding that was made with Murray. If this didn’t revive the patient, they would pronounce Michael dead.
  • The balloon was inserted successfully but it didn’t revive Michael
  • When Dr. Nguyen started talking to Murray to collect information, he looked at his pager, it was 1:35pm
     Cross by Michael Flanagan:
  • Lorazepam is a benzodiazepine. Medication for anxiety, also used for insomnia
  • The half is 14 hours but it varies from patient to patient, Weight is not the only factor. It also depends on the medical history. It acts differently on a patient who has been taking Lorazepam than a patient who is new to the drug
  • Flanagan asked that hypothetically if Dr. Nguyen was to prescribe for a male patient, 136lbs, without knowing his medical background, how much dose would he prescribe. Dr. Nguyen stated that he wouldn’t prescribe it without knowing the patient’s medical background. Flanagan insisted that Dr. Nguyen give a dose, the doctor said “one or two mg. PO. I would start very low. I wouldn’t jump to IV. I wouldn’t start off at 4mg”
  • Dr. Nguyen expects that this amount (1-2mg) of Lorazepam to produce a couple of hours of sleep but this time would vary from patient to patient.
  • 5 or 6 staff was working on Michael, when Dr. Nguyen was talking to Murray.
  • Murray was at the left bedside of Michael’s, his back towards Michael. Dr. Nguyen was facing Michael. Murray established eye contact with Dr. Nguyen while talking so Murray wasn’t observing Michael while talking to Dr. Nguyen
  • Dr. Cruz was another doctor from CCU. He came down because Dr. Nguyen called him down to ER. It was Dr. Cruz’s idea to insert the intra-aortic balloon, which was inserted by both Dr. Nguyen and Dr. Cruz as a team.
  • Murray didn’t want to give up on Michael
  • Dr. Nguyen didn’t try to reverse Lorazepam because “the window of time was lost”. The window of time was immediately when the patient was found in distress, “not when the patient was already dead”
  • Flanagan asked if it is Dr. Nguyen’s opinion that Murray didn’t give Michael Flumanezil. Dr. Nguyen responded “It was my opinion. And it was his answer to me”
      Redirect by David Walgreen:
  • Mr. Walgreen reminded Dr. Nguyen about Flanagan’s hypothetical question about the dosage for giving a 136lbs patient Lorazepam. Mr Nguyen had said that he would give “1 or 2 mg PO”. Mr Walgreen asked what “PO” stands for. Dr. Nguyen replied “per oral” (oral tablet, not IV)
  • Because Lorazepam orally would be safer than intravenously
  • He and his business partner, Scott Meyers, were assigned to this case but Meyers were out of town for another case so Orlando Martinez filled in for him.
  • He examined activity of Conrad Murray’s phone
  • Murray had 2 cell phones, one from Sprint, another from AT&T
  • 7:01am call from Murray to Mr. Andrew Butler
  • Andrew Butler said Murray was his friend and physician
  • 8:49am Ms. Antoinette Gill
  • Antoinette Gills said Murray was her friend and her doctor
  • She called b/c she received a letter stating Murray wouldn’t be in the office, another doctor would see her. She was calling to inquire.
  • 9:23am from Murray to Marissa Boni, friend of Murray’s daughter (Channel)
  • 10:14am from Murray Texas office to Murray
  • 10:22am from Dr. Joanne Prashad to Murray
  • Dr. Prashad needed medical information about one of Murray’s patients that she was about to treat. Murray was able to recall the patient and her medical info from memory in a 111 seconds phone conversation. Dr. Prashad was impressed.
  • 10:34am from Murray to Ms Stacey Ruggles (Murray personal assistant)
  • Murray directed Ms. Ruggles to write a letter to London Medical Boards about his impending arrival and asking what facilities may be available to him
  • 11:07 from Murray to Stacey Ruggles
  • 11:18am from Murray Houston office to Murray 32 minutes
  • 11:26am from Brigette Morgan to Murray
  • 11:49am from Murray to Robert Russell 3 minutes
  • Robert Russell was Murray’s patient
  • 11:51am from Conrad Murray to Sade Anding
  • 12:12pm from Murray to Michael Amir Williams
  • 1:08pm from Murray to Nicole Alvarez
SADE ANDING: Conrad Murray Girlfriend?
            Direct by Deborah Brazil:
  • She met Murray at a steakhouse in Texas in February 2009
  • She was a cocktail waitress
  • When they met, it was after Valentine’s day (February 14)
  • Defense objects that how the Sade Anding and Murray relationship began is irrelevant to the 11:51am call on June 25, 2009. Prosecutor tries to explain the relevance to the court. David Walgreen asked permission to talk. “It is relevant because it highlights the priorities Dr. Murray was placing at the time. His focus should have been on his patient when instead at 11:51am, the evidence will show he is making a phone call to a cocktail waitress. What he finds to be important over-rode his concern for his patient” Defense attorney Ed Chernoff stated that if the prosecution is trying to show that Murray was distracted not just by phone calls with women but men too (example Bob Russell), prosecution already made its point by exhibiting Murray’s phone call records. He contend that while the phone call is relevant, the prior relations is irrelevant because it is a prejudice against Murray based on the relations with women. Chernoff stated that
  • Judge will decide, as they move on, if questions are proper.
  • When they met, they both exchanged phone number
  • They developed a social relationship but she doesn’t consider herself to be Murray’s girlfriend
  • She received a phone call on her cell phone, from Murray on June 25, 2009
  • Murray asked “Hello, how are you?” She replied “Fine, how are you?”
  • Murray said he is doing well and she then started talking about her day
  • The last time she saw Murray was on May 23 in Houston, they went to eat
  • She talked for awhile but she noticed that Murray wasn’t present on his end of the phone
  • She kept saying “Hello? Hello? Are you there?” She heard no response
  • She heard some noise, as if his phone was in his pocket. She heard coughing. She heard “mumbling of voices” She remained on the phone about 5 minutes. She hung up and called him back and texted him. She never heard back from him.
  • From the time they began talking to the time she realized Murray wasn’t on the phone, she estimates that 5 minutes had relapsed
  • She has no clue when Murray stopped listening
  • It was unusual that they got disconnected and Murray didn’t call her back
  • The last time she spoke to Murray was after the police came to her home
  • She remembers it was around 9:00pm but she doesn’t remember the exact date. She attended The Astros Baseball game that day.
  • When she was at the game, her father called her to inform her that the police was there to talk to her. She then called Murray to let him know that police were at her home to talk to her. Murray apologized to her for putting her in this position and gave her his lawyer’s phone number. Murray advised that she should have his lawyer present when she talked to the police.
      Cross by Ed Chernoff:
  • She flew to LA yesterday and LAPD paid for her plane ticket and room
  • She is flying out tonight
  • There is nothing she testified today that she hadn’t told Detective Dan Meyers before
BRIGETTE MORGAN: Conrad Murray Girlfriend?
            Direct by Deborah Brazil:
  • She first met Murray in 2003 at a club
  • She called Conrad Murray on June 25, 2009 to follow up on a conversation they had
  • She didn’t got a hold of Murray, she doesn’t remember if she left a voicemail
NICOLE ALVAREZ: Conrad Murray Girlfriend & Baby Mama
            Direct by Deborah Brazil:
  • She doesn’t remember exactly when she met Murray, “perhaps in 2005”
  • She met him at a gentleman’s club in Las Vegas
  • She has a son with Murray, born in March 2009
  • In April, May and June of 2009, Murray was staying at her apartment maybe 2 weeks out of the month. NOT consecutive days. He would come, stay couple of days then leave. She wouldn’t ask him if and when he was going to stay with her because she didn’t have any expectations of Murray. Sometimes, when he doesn’t stay with her, they would talk on the phone.
  • In June of 2009, Murray spent more time at her apartment than April and May
  • Murray was paying her March 2009 rent, which was “around $2500”
  • She worked as an actress while she was pregnant with Murray’s child
  • She doesn’t remember the exact date when she learnt that Murray was working for Michael Jackson but she was one month pregnant when she learnt, June 2008
  • She knew that Murray was Michael’s personal physician but she never discussed anything about this. “Doctor Murray and I were on a need-to-know basis. He is a professional man. I know my place in his life. That’s not my duty to know the details of his business”
  • To her knowledge, Murray doesn’t have an office in LA
  • In April 2009, Murray would leave her apartment around 9:00 or 10:00pm and he would return the next morning around “7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00” It wasn’t a set time, it would vary
  • When he returns to her apartment, he would usually sleep, eat and go to gym. He would sleep for “a large majority of the day”
  • She knew Murray was going to London with Michael.
  • Murray invited her to come to London with him. She wanted to go but she hadn’t decided yet
  • Murray told her that he was going to have some packages delivered to her apartment
  • A few times, the courier would leave the packages outside of her apartment door or in the lobby and she would bring them inside
  • Sometimes, she had to sign for the packages
  • Murray would inform her if a package was in route so she could be on the look-out
ELISSA FLEAK: LA Coroner Investigator
  • Upon Michael Jackson death, she responded to UCLA at 5:20 pm
  • She examined Michael’s body at UCLA externally only
  • She took 4 vials of MJ blood, labeled “Gershwin” from UCLA personnel and logged them in as evidence
  • After UCLA, she went to Michael’s home for scene investigation
  • She recovered 7 pill bottles from the table directly next to the bed: Flomax, Trazadone, Lorazepam, Clonazepam, Diazepam, Temazepam, Tizanidine
  • She recovered Hydroquinone, Benoquin, and Lidocaine lotions
  • 2 tables on the right side of Michael’s bed (editor note: I will refer to the table close to the bed as nightstand, the other table as trolley)

  • 3 of the pill bottles, an empty orange juice bottle and a bottle over the counter aspirin were on top shelf of the nightstand. Another empty orange juice bottle and the rest of the pill bottles in a basket were on the lower shelf of the nightstand

  • On trolley, there was a tube of lidocaine lotion and a syringe plunger and barrel. The plunger was completely depressed. The syringe needle was on the floor on the left side of the bed.
On the floor, on the rightside of the bed, Oxygen, Blue ambu bag with nasal cannula.
  • Fleak described the needle as “broken” on autopsy report but she didn’t mean “broken”. She meant that the needle was detached from the plunger
  • On the rightside of the bed, there was an IV stand
  • IV stand = metal pole, hook at the top where saline bag is attached, long tubing, “fork or clamp” in the tubing which has a syringe in it, short tubing
  • If standing at the foot of the bed, facing the bed, behind you to the left, there is a chair. On top of the chair, there is a jug of urine and unopened urine pads
  • Open box of Hypodermic needles, IV Catheters are on the nightstand
  • Empty vial of Flumanezil and an empty vial of 20ml Propofol bottle on the floor, beneath the two tables
  • Returns to the scene on June 29, 2009 to recover evidence from closet

  • Closet is an attached room to the bedroom where Michael was found. It is lined with woodened cabinets, very tall, an average bedroom sized
  • IV stand was taken in as evidence on June 29, 2009
  • She recovered from the closet a black square bag with zipper. Dark blue bag with zipper, labeled Costco on the outside. Light blue and brown bag with zipper, labeled baby essentials. Last bag was like a “baby bag” with side pockets. Plastic bag full of Benoquin tubes of lotion.

  • Black square bag contents:
    Blood pressure cuff
    3 vials of 30ml Lidocaine (2 empty vials, 1 had liquid in it)
  • Dark Blue Costco bag contents:
    Saline bag with a slit going from top to bottom if the bag was hanging. 100ml empty Propofol bottle inside of the saline bag, open, there is liquid in it. 
    One vial of 20ml Propofol bottle, open, liquid in it.
    One vial of 10ml Lorazepam, open, liquid in it.
    2 vials of 10ml Midazolam, both open, liquid in them.
    Bloody gauze.
    Clear plastic full of crumpled medical supply packaging
    Finger pulse monitor.
  • Baby Essential bag contents:
    2 vials of 100ml Propofol, unopened.
    4 vials of 20ml Propofol, unopened.
    3 vials of 20ml Propofol, open with liquid in them.
    2 vials of 30ml Lidocaine, open, liquid in them.
    One vial of 30ml Lidocaine, unopened.
    One 10ml Midazolam, open with liquid in it. 
    2 vials of 10ml Midazolam, unopened.
    3 vials of 5ml Flumanezil, unopened. 
    One vial of 5ml Flumanezil, open with liquid in it.
    One vial of 4ml Lorazepam, open, liquid in it.
    One vial of 4ml Lorazepam, unopened.
    A bottle of Ephedrine and caffeine pills, 14 red and black capsules.
    Eye drops.
    A tube of Benoquin lotion.
    5 Conrad Murray business cards.
    IV clamp. 
      Cross by Michael Flanagan:
  • He reiterate that it was Murray who directed police to more evidence in the closet
  • Fleak elaborated on the bag full of crumpled medical supplies. She means the packaging/box that contains medical items such as syringes and catheters were crumpled up in a clear plastic bag. This clear plastic bag was in the Costco bag.
  • She didn’t quantify the remaining liquids in open vials
  • IV bag from the IV stand (recovered on June 29) had liquid in it

  • Halfway down the IV tubing, there is a “V-shaped clamp” (editor note: She means the Y injection port). A depressed syringe was in injection port.
  • IV tubing above the injection port had clear liquid in it
  • IV bag held “half to three quarters” clear liquid (saline)
  • Flanagan asks why she didn’t take in the IV stand on June 25. She said that she is used to collecting pill bottles. She didn’t know what Propofol was at the time. She assumed the IV was used to rehydrate, she didn’t think it was used to administer drugs.
  • She didn’t collect the empty orange juice bottles
  • The syringe on the nightstand was “couple of feet” away from the bed. The needle on the floor was “approximately one foot” away from the bed, closer to the foot of the bed.
  • Flanagan asks her if someone with Michael’s height and weight was on the bed, could he reach the needles that were on the nightstand. Prosecutor objects, court suspends.
  • Empty bottle of Flumanezil was found on the floor, under the tables
  • Propofol and Flumanezil bottle that were on the floor were empty
STEVEN MARX: Retired Forensic Computer Specialist
  • He is a retired computer forensics examiner in DEA Evidence Lab
  • His job was to extract data from digital devices and present it to investigators
  • He analyzed Conrad Murray’s I-Phone
  • Murray received an email from Bob Taylor of Robertson Taylor Insurance. Email was sent from London, received by Murray in Los Angeles, at 5:54am LA Time, on June 25, 2009. Email subject like “artist insurance”.  “Hi Conrad. You confirm that as far as you are aware, you are the only doctor consulted during the three-year period. I advised the insurers that your records go back from the present time to 2006 when you first met M.J. in Nevada” Bob Taylor then inquires about Michael’s declining health, reported by the Press.
  • 7:03am Murray viewed this email for the first time
  • 9:45am Murray viewed the same email again
  • 11:17am Murray responded to the email. “Dear Bob. I am in receipt of your email. That authorization for release of his medical records in order to assist you to procure cancellation insurance policy for his show. However authorization was denied. In regards to the press inquires, as far as the statements of his health published by the Press, let me say they’re all fallacious to the best of my knowledge. Sincerely, Conrad Murray”
     Cross by Ed Chernoff:
  • The email that was sent to Murray included emails between other parties regarding the Michael Jackson insurance issue. Chernoff asked if Mr. Marx remembers Shawn Trell of AEG from those emails. Mr. Marx doesn’t remember it.
TIM LOPEZ: Applied Pharmacy Owner in LV
  • He is asked how his pharmacy is different than any other pharmacies. He said, “we are known as compound pharmacy”. They custom-make medicines for patients, altering dosage, adding flavors, etc
  • In November 2008, Conrad Murray called him, identified himself as an African American cardiologist. Murray said lots of his patients were African American and they suffer from Vitilago. Murray inquired about %20 strength Benoquin.
  • Mr. Lopez took down Murray’s contact info, stating he would get back when he checked on availability.  Lopez made some calls and product wasn’t available. Lopez didn’t do a follow up with Murray
  • In March 2009, Murray called Lopez.. Murray asked if Lopez was the same person he talked to previous time. Lopez said yes. Murray asked why didn’t Lopez called him back. Lopez said in November 2008, his pharmacy moved and he lost Murray’s contact info.
  • Murray asked again for %20 strength Benoquin.
  • Lopez took Murray’s contact info again, promising to follow through this time.
  • "Around April 1 or so” Lopez called Murray back. Lopez found a supplier who could provide limited quantity. Murray wanted them in 30gr tubes, Lopez said he could make 40 of them with the available supply.
  • Murray personally came in to pick up the order. He paid via company check. Murray asked if the future orders could be delivered to his office. Lopez required a credit card so the orders could be billed before they are shipped. Murray agreed.
  • On April 3, Murray called Lopez to let him know he was happy with the Benoquin cream. Murray inquired about Propofol and saline bags.
  • April 6, 2009 Murray placed his first order of Propofol:
    1 box of 100ml Propofol (10 vials)
    1 box of 20ml Propofol (25 vials)
    9 Saline bags
    40 tubes of 30gr Benoquin
  • Murray requested the above order to be delivered to his LV office
  • When the courier got to Murray’s office, he called Tim Lopez. Because Murray wanted the partial order to be sent to Los Angeles. Murray gave courier a LA address (his girlfriend Nicole Alvarez’s address)
  • Courier returned the remainder of the order to Tim Lopez Pharmacy. Murray took some Propofol bottles out of the package. Lopez shipped the order to LA.
  • April 28, 2009: Murray placed his second order:
    4 boxes of 100ml Propofol (40 vials)
    1 box of 20ml Propofol (25 vials)
  • Murray wanted the order to be shipped to LA address
  • April 3, 2009: Murray placed his third order:
    1 tray of 10ml Lorazepam (10 vials)
    2 trays of 2ml Midazolam (10 vials)
  • Murray requested his order to be shipped to LA address
  • In early May, Murray inquired about a less greasy formulation of Benoquin. He also inquired if the tubes could be larger. Murray also wanted the tubes to “look better”.  Murray inquired about Hydroquinone. Murray also inquired about a formulation that would increase “wakefulness”
  • Lopez cited Murray some drugs with side affect of alertness. Murray wanted it to be  an over-the-counter, “non-narcotic” and “as natural as possible”
  • Murray stated that the energy formula was for HIMSELF
  • In another conversation (date not given), Murray said that his patients were complaining of injection pains. Murray wanted a Lidocaine-only cream.
  • On May 12, Murray placed another order:
    4 boxes of 100ml Propofol (40 vials)
    1 box of 20ml Propofol (25 vials)
    2 trays of 2ml Midazolam (20 vials)
    One 60gr Lidocaine %2 cream
    1 tray of 5ml Flumanezil (10 vials)
  • Flumanezil is an anti-dote for benzodiazepines 
  • Above items were sent to LA address
  • On May 14, Murray placed an order:
    Murray said the %2 strength of Lidocaine wasn’t strong enough.
    One 60gr %4 strength Lidocaine cream
    3 %20 strength Benoquin creams (with different formulations)
  • Murray wanted his order shipped to LA. Lopez said he was headed to LA, he could personally deliver. Murray declined asked for Lopez to shit them.
  • On June 1, they talked about the energy formula. Lopez proposed that he combine 3 over the counter products, ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin, in one capsule.  Murray agreed, Lopez made 30 capsules.
  • On June 10, Murray placed another order:
    1 tray of 30ml injectable Lidocaine (25 vials)
    4 boxes of 100ml Propofol (40 vials)
    2 boxes of 20ml Propofol (50 vials)
    20 tubes of %8 strength 60gr Hydroquinone
    20 tubes of %20 strength 60gr Benoquin
    30 capsules of energy pills (ephedrine, aspirin, caffeine)
  • Above order was shipped to LA address
  • On June 15, Murray placed another order:
    1 tray of 10ml Lorazepam (10 vials)
    2 trays of 2 ml Midazolam (20 vials)
    12 saline bags
  • Above order was shipped to LA address
  • Last time Lopez talked to Murray was either on June 23 or June 24. Murray called the pharmacy around 5:00pm. It was a brief conversation because it appeared Murray was driving with his window down and there was lots of noise. Lopez told Murray he would call him the next day. This was the last time Lopez talked to Murray.
  • Lopez is asked by Murray attorney Joseph Low if he sold Propofol to Dr. David Adams (editor note: David adams is the anesthesiologist that Murray mentioned to detectives. Murray claims sometime between March and April, Michael called him to have him arrange Dr. Adams to administer Propofol to Michael. Murray claims he was present when Adams administered Propofol to Michael in a third party cosmetologist’s office. Adams denies this allegation) Lopez said he didn’t sell Propofol to Dr. Adams. Joseph Low asked if Tim Lopez sold any other doctor Propofol, Lopez said no.
  • In April, May and June, Murray ordered 255 vials of Propofol
JAMIE LINTEMOOT: LA Coroner Toxicologist
  • She analyzes blood and other biological specimens in the presence of drugs
  • She analyzes medical evidence
  • Prior to 2005, their office didn’t have a way to detect Propofol. She established a method, suitable for Propofol testing. Since then, she has been the primary consultant at LA Coroner’s office in Propofol testing
  • After she received a service request for Propofol testing, she pulls the samples from the toxicological cooler. She notes the information from the sample bottle so chain of custody is maintained. Then she perform an “extraction” =”chemical steps to isolate the drug into a medium that is suitable for analysis” Then she places it on drug detective instrument and she will leave it there overnight. The next day, she will evaluate the levels contained on that particular sample.
  • She tested the blood samples, obtained from UCLA, labeled “Gershwin”
  • On June 29, 2009, the preliminary testing of Michael’s blood samples showed presence of Propofol
  • On June 30, 2009, she conducted a full tissue distribution analysis on these samples
  • Full tissue distribution analysis= In this case, it is testing of hospital, femoral and heart bloods, liver, gastric contents, urine and vitreous
  • She determined the levels of propofol found in above samples
  • An 8-page “Laboratory Summary report” included her findings and the findings of her colleagues
  • She particularly did the Propofol testing, her colleagues tested for other agents
  • Nordiazepam =Metabolite=something body forms as it metabolizes the drug
  • All drugs listed in autopsy, except Nordiazepam, are drugs found in Michael’s blood
  • Propofol level in heart blood=3.2ug/ml
  • Propofol level in hospital blood= 4.ug/ml
  • Propofol level in femoral blood =2.6ug/ml
  • Propofol level in vitreous = 0.40ug/ml
  • Propofol level in liver = 6.2ug/gram
  • Propofol level in gastric contents = 0.13mg
  • Propofol level in urine = 0.15ug/ml
  • Propofol level in scene urine = less than 0.10ug/ml
  • Lidocaine in heart blood= 0.51ug/ml
  • Lidocaine in femoral blood = 0.84ug/ml
  • Lidocaine in liver = 0.45ug/gr
  • Lidocaine in gastric content = 1.6mg
  • Diazepam in heart blood= less than 0.10ug/ml
  • Nordiazepam was found in heart blood, less than 0.05ug/ml
  • Lorazepam in heart blood= 0.162ug/ml
  • Lidocaine in femoral blood= 0.169ug/ml
  • Midazolam in heart blood=0.0046ug/ml
  • Midazolam in urine = 0.0068ug/ml
  • Midazolam in scene urine= 0.025ug/ml
  • Ephedrine is present in urine and scene urine but negative in heart blood
  • Scene urine=urine recovered from the jug at the scene
  • She tested the syringe barrel(from the nightstand),  positive for Propofol and lidocaine
  • IV bag was broken into components and labeled:
    A= IV Bag
    B= Syringe
    C= Y site connector ("syringe goes into one end, one end goes to long tubing, another end goes to short tubing')
    D= Short tubing
    E= “Clear tip” that the short tubing proceeds to. It had a little bit of red fluid or red stain on the end of it
    F=Long tubing
    G=White clamp (was attached to the tubing)
    H=White Thumb Clamp
    I= IV bag plug (cylindrical piece that the long tubing was attached to, with a spike on the end. It goes into the IV bag)
  • For analysis purposes, she broke down the IV components into 4 parts:
  • IV bag (A) Long tubing (F) Syringe (B) Short tubing (D)
  • There was no drugs in long tubing (F)
  • There was no drugs in IV bag (A)
  • Syringe tested positive for Propofol, Lidocaine and Flumanezil (B)
  • Short tubing tested positive for Propofol, Lidocaine and Flumanezil (D)
     Cross by Michael Flanagan:
  • Lidocaine in femoral blood = 0.84ug/ml
  • Propofol in femoral blood= 2.6ug/ml
  • The ratio is 1 part lidocaine to 3 parts Propofol
  • She used nanogram to quantify Lorazepam
  • 1000nanogram (ng) =1microgram (ug)
  • Why did she use different units in Propofol and Lorazepam? Testing is done in therapeutic range. The range for most benzodiazepines are ng/ml
  • Propofol in heart blood=3.2
  • The different levels from femoral and heart is normal
  • Toxicologists mainly rely on the femoral blood, it is less contaminated
  • Propofol to lidocaine ratio in femoral blood is 3 to 1
  • Propofol to lidocaine ratio heart blood is (4.5 to 5) to 1
  • Why are the ratios in femoral and heart different? Different drugs, different specimen sources and post-mortem redistribution. After someone dies, the drugs can leak out into other tissues, thus, change the levels.
  • Propofol level in hospital blood=4.1
  • Lidocaine in hospital blood=0.51
  • The ratio from hospital blood is 8 to 1
  • The ratio from femoral blood is 3 to 1
  • The ratio for heart blood is 4.5 to 1
  • These levels are measured by ug/ml
  • Propofol in liver=6.2ug/gram
  • Liver measurement=weight the liver, transfer liver into a liquid and “homogenize it”=put it in a blender and grind it so everything is in liquid format.
  • Liver Propofol =6.2
  • Liver Lidocaine=0.45
  • The ratio is 12 to 1
  • She typically needs a 2ml sample from vitreous but she had less than typical amount of sample available to her. She examined only 0.5ml sample, which was four times less than the amount she needed. The Propofol was present in vitreous but she couldn’t accurately detect the amount due to lack of the amount of sample available to her. Her detection level was between 0.02 to 0.1 so she multiplied the maximum amount (0.1) by 4 and came up with less than 0.4ug/ml on autopsy
  • She can’t exactly be sure of the actual amount but it would be between 0.08-0.4
  • Vitreous=fluids in eye
  • Urine =taken at autopsy. Urine scene=from jug at MJ bedroom
  • Gastric contents had 0.13mg of Propofol = the total amount of Propofol in stomach
  • Gastric contents has 1.6mg of Lidocaine,
  • The ratio to Lidocaine to Propofol is 12 to 1. For the first time, lidocaine levels are higher than Propofol levels in stomach than in any other samples.
  • She analyzed the syringe barrel (with plunger, recovered from the nightstand) but she didn’t analyze the needle (recovered from the floor, next to the bed). She didn’t try to put together the 2 detached pieces.
  • Coroner’s office doesn’t have a method to detect Flumanezil in the body
  • The fully intact syringe from the IV stand had 0.16gram of fluid in it
  • She wasn’t asked to analyze any empty fruit juice bottles for Propofol
  • On June 25, 2009, he was assigned to this case
  • On June 25 and June 26, he attempted to contact Murray, to no avail
  • June 26, 2009 afternoon, he was contacted by Michael Pena, who identified himself as Murray’s lawyer. They talked about an arrangement for the detective to talk to Murray. The lawyer told the detective that he would call the next day as to what time and where they would meet on June 27.
  • They met at a hotel. Detective Martinez arrived with his partner Detective Scott Smith, Murray arrived with his attorneys, Ed Chernoff and Michael Pena. They met in a conference room, 4:00pm
  • Interview was recorded
  • Murray told the detectives that one of his patient’s son referred Michael to Murray
  • Murray treated Michael and his children for flu in Las Vegas
  • Murray said he received a call from Michael Amir Williams, requesting that Murray treat Michael for his upcoming Tour. Murray was informed that he would accompany Michael to London. Murray said he would consider but he needed more details.
  • Following this conversation, Murray received a phone call from Michael
  • Murray was elated to hear from Michael. Murray decided to accept the offer
  • Murray said he had been assisting for a little over 2 months for Michael to sleep nightly. Then in another portion of the interview, Murray said it was 6 nights a week
  • Murray said he would inject 50mg of Propofol injection to Michael to help him to go to sleep, followed by a drip infusion to keep Michael under
  • Murray was concerned that Michael was forming dependency on Propofol. With Michael’s permission, he lowered the dose in an attempt to “wean him off”
  • 3 days before Michael’s death, Murray said he lowered the Propofol amount and added Lorazepam and Midazolam. The next day, Murray didn’t use propofol at all, he only gave Michael Lorazepam and Midazolam, Michael was able to sleep. The next day (June 25, 2009), Murray said he arrived at Carolwood around 12:50am. He went upstairs to the bedroom where he treated Michael and waited for Michael to arrive. Murray said Michael arrived around sometime between 1:00-1:05am. They had a brief conversation; Michael took a shower and changed. Murray massaged Michael’s feet and rubbed some lotion on his back. Then he began the IV. Murray said this was to hydrate Michael.
  • Murray said that noone else was in the room but Murray and Michael
  • 2:00am Murray gave Michael 2mg of Lorazepam, diluted with saline. Murray said he pushed it slowly, over 2 to 3 minutes
  • Prior to Lorazepam, Murray had given Michael 10gr Valium, orally
  • Murray sad Michael remained awake for about an hour so at 3:00am Murray injected Michael with 2ml of Midazolam, the same method. Murray said Michael fell asleep around 3:20am for 10 to 12 minutes then woke up again. Murray turned down the lights and the music and encouraged Michael to meditate. At 4:40am, Michael complained that if he couldn’t sleep, “he would have to cancel his rehearsals and his shows”
  • Around 5:00am, Murray gave Michael another dose of 2ml Lorazepam, same method
  • Michael couldn’t sleep and resumed his complaints that he would have to cancel his shows. Murray felt pressure to help Michael to sleep. Around 7:30am, Murray gave another dose of 2ml of Midazolam, same method. Around 10:00am, Michael complained some more and requested Propofol. At around 10:40 to 10:50am, Murray gave Michael 25mg of Propofol, over the course of 25 minutes. Murray knows this time because “he had to look at his watch” to determine how much time had elapsed from previous medicine (editor's note; Murray told UCLA Cardilogist Thao Nguyen that he didn't have a watch so he didn't have sense of time). Murray said 25mg was an initial injection, followed by slow drip
  • Murray said Michael felt asleep around 11:00am. Murray monitored Michael for awhile, “until he felt comfortable with Mr. Jackson’s condition”
  • Murray left the room to go to the restroom
  • Murray said he was gone approximately 2 minutes
  • When he returned, Murray was stunned. He observed Michael’s diaphragmatic motion and found that Michael wasn’t breathing
  • Murray started doing chest compressions then mouth-to-mouth while Michael was still on the bed. Detective Martinez asked Murray why he was doing CPR on the bed. Murray said that he couldn’t move Michael on the floor by himself and that one of his back was supporting Michael’s back while his other hand was compressing the chest.
  • Murray was asked why 911 wasn’t called at this point. He said it was because he was caring for Michael and he didn’t want to neglect the patient by calling 911
  • Murray called Michael Amir Williams to say that there was emergency and asked him to send security to the bedroom right away
  • Murray didn’t ask MAW to call 911 because if he did, MAW would ask questions while Murray was caring for Michael
  • After the call to MAW, Murray continued with CPR
  • At some point, Murray injected Michael with 0.2mg of Flumanezil
  • After couple of minutes upon no security staff coming, Murray left Michael to go to the kitchen, saw Kai Chase and asked her to send security upstairs
  • At some point, Alberto Alvarez came into the room and called 911
  • Detectives’ interview with Murray lasted about 2 hours and 47 minutes
  • Murray said on June 25, 2009, he used “at minimum” 3 syringes
  • Detectives asked Murray where the medical equipment from June 25, 2009 was. Murray seemed surprised. Murray told the detectives where the bags were: in the bedroom closet, in the cabinets located on the wall to the left, which separated the bedroom and the closet.
  • Murray told the detectives that he used Lidocaine as an anti-burn when administering Propofol. He said he diluted the Lidocaine with Propofol.
  • Murray didn’t mention to the detectives about the phone calls, emails and texts
  • Murray told the detectives that it was him who requested the autopsy. So Detective Martinez verified that with Dr. Richelle Cooper. She said that she would not and did not ask Murray to sign the death certificate because the patient was under her care. She didn’t know the cause of death at the time so it was her that ordered the autopsy.
      Cross by Ed Chernoff:
  • Detectives Porche and Behnke talked to Murray briefly at the hospital on June 25, 2009. They weren’t handling the case so they weren’t taking a statement from Murray. When detective Orlando Martinez his partner Detective Smith (officers assigned to the case) arrived at the hospital, they talked to the other 2 detectives for about 10 minutes. Then they proceeded to talk to Alberto Alvarez while sending the 2 detectives to find Murray. They couldn’t locate Murray at the hospital. So Martinez got Murray’s number from Detectives Porche and Behnke. He called several times but couldn’t get a hold of Murray. He left one voice message then Murray’s voicemail became full so he starting texting to ask for an interview.
  • Ed Chernoff, Michael Pena and Murray flew from Houston to LA on June 26 to talk to detectives. On June 27, Michael Pena called Orlando Martinez to meet.
  • Prior to this meeting, Det. Martinez and Smith had already talked to Faheem Muhammad, Alberto Alvarez, the head nurse at UCLA, the nanny Roselind Muhammad, and they had gone to Carolwood twice, once on June 25th, another on June 26th.
  • Detective Scott Smith attended the autopsy
  • Murray was cooperative during the interview. He never turned to his lawyers and had to confer about questions. He didn’t refuse to answer any questions. The defense didn’t rush the detectives. It was the detective’s choice to end the interview.
  • Ed Chernoff reminded Martinez’s testimony that Murray didn’t mention about the calls, texts and emails and asked “you didn’t ask him about any other phone calls (beside the one made to MAW), did you?” Martinez testified “No, I didn’t”
  • Chernoff reminded Martinez that he testified that after Murray interview, he talked with Richelle Cooper who said that it was her call to do an autopsy. But Chernoff contended that Martinez said, during the interview “you know what. That’s what they said at the hospital, that you requested an autopsy” Martinez replied that Detectives Porche and Behnke are the ones who told him at the hospital that Murray ordered the autopsy but they were told this by Murray. So it was Murray’s claim that he ordered an autopsy so Martinez had to verify it with Dr. Richelle Cooper who said that the autopsy was her call.
  • Murray told detectives that Michael visited Las Vegas, called Murray to request that he obtain a doctor to administer Propofol to Michael. Michael was happy after Dr. David Adams administered Propofol to him and offered jobs to both Murray and Adams.
  • Murray told the detectives that he didn’t sign up for administering Propofol, he found out about it afterwards.
  • Murray told detectives that “I need to try to find a way to get him off of this, it was not natural, it was not normal”
  • Murray first started administrating Propofol because Michael asked for it
  • Murray told detectives that Michael knew Propofol, he called it his “milk”
  • Murray told detectives that Michael “liked to push it himself” and that Michael told Murray that other doctors let him do it but Murray didn’t let Michael push it
  • The day before his death, Michael was able to sleep without Propofol
  • Murray said that on June 25, 2009 Michael and Murray was going to attempt to do this again (sleep without Propofol)
  • Chernoff contended that Michael begged for Propofol, saying “Please. I will have to cancel my rehearsal. Seven days out from the Tour. I don’t want to cancel. I have to get some sleep”
  • Murray said to detectives that only after repeated pleas from Michael, he gave him a 25mg of Propofol
  • Although Chernoff argues that Murray never said that he did a Propofol drip on June 25th, Martinez testified that Murray said he did an initial injection to put Michael sleep then follow a drip infusion to keep him under
  • Murray told detectives that he witnessed the arrest. During the interview, the detectives asked what he meant by “witnessed arrest” Murray said he meant that it hadn’t been that long that he left the patient. It must have just happened but he didn’t actually watched the cardiac arrest happening
  • Murray told detectives that he gave Michael saline for hydration
  • On June 29, detectives and people from coroner’s office went back to Carolwood to recover more medical evidence that Murray said were in the closet
CHRISTOPHER ROGERS: LA County Deputer Coroner
  • He performed Michael Jackson autopsy on June 26, 2009
  • There were some incidental findings but overall Michael’s health was “excellent”
  • Incidental findings= Prostatic hyperplasia, enlargement of prostate glands, Vitilago, Polyp of the colon, inflammation and scarring of lungs and some arthritis, notably in spine
  • Michael was 5 9, 136 lbs
  • Michael didn’t have any abnormalities of his heart, he didn’t have coronary artery arthrosclerosis “which is a surprising finding”. Why surprising? Because people of Michael’s age usually have some arthrosclerosis
  • Michael didn’t have any cardiac disease or any natural disease that led to his death
  • Manner of death = Homicide
  • The medical care Michael received by Murray was substandard
  • Physician shouldn’t have used propofol for insomnia
  • When you give Propofol, a doctor should take precautions to handle complications such as low blood pressure and difficulty breathing
  • Murray shouldn’t have left Michael while anesthetized. Why? Because while under anesthesia, “bad things can happen very quickly.” Patient should be watched constantly
  • Cause of death = Propofol Intoxication, contributing condition = benzodiazepine effect
     Cross by Michael Flanagan:
  • Homicide as cause of death is based on: administration of Propofol and benzodiazepines by another, Propofol usage for insomnia, administration of Propofol in a non-hospital setting, without proper monitoring and resuscitation equipment, circumstances doesn’t support self administration
  • In review of Michael’s body and toxicology findings, the coroner didn’t come across any factors that he felt inconsistent with the homicide ruling
  • Heart Blood 3.2 Propofol and 0.68 Lidocaine
  • Generally speaking, drugs get into the blood stream orally, intravenously or intramuscularly (through the skin)
  • Heart blood Lorazepam 0.162 This is a “therapeutic dose”, a normal person who hasn’t built up a tolerance would be sleeping with this much Lorazepam. It isn’t enough dose to kill someone, IF taken by itself.
  • The propofol to lidocaine ratio in heart blood is about 4.5 to 1
  • The propofol to lidocaine ratio in hospital blood is about 8 to 1
  • Why the difference? Hospital blood was given by UCLA.  During resuscitation and during post mortem period, propofol moves from circulation into the tissues.
  • On autopsy report, hospital blood levels for Nordiazepam, Lorazepam, Midazola and Ephedrine are marked “---“, why? Because they weren’t tested in hospital blood
  • Femoral blood, Propofol=2.6ug/ml Lidocaine=0.84ug/ml Lorazepam=1.69ug/ml
  • The propofol to lidocaine ratio in femoral blood is about 3 to 1
  • Femoral blood came from femoral vein during autopsy
  • Why the need for more than one source of blood? Postmortem distribution affect would cause the amount of drug in heart blood and femoral blood different
  • Lorazepam in heart blood 0.162 in femoral blood is 0.169
  • It appears Lorazepam was distributed fairly even in heart and femoral blood
  • Why analyze vitreous? Because vitreous fluid is relatively protected, it’s not subject to degradation as other sites.
  • Propofol in liver=6.2 Lidocaine in liver=0.45.
  • Propofol to liver ratio in liver is 12 to 1
  • Propofol level in liver is high because liver metabolizes the propofol
  • Gastric contents=70gram dark fluid
  • 0.13mg of Propofol, 1.6 mg of Lidocaine in the stomach contents
  • To get the Propofol effect, it is injected rather than orally given
  • But if Propofol was to be taken orally, it would be in the stomach
  • When Propofol is injected, it causes burns at injection site. So to ease this discomfort, Lidocaine is either injected prior to Propofol or it is mixed with Propofol
  • Flanagan asserted that since the propofol levels in femoral, heart and hospital are higher than Lidocaine in these sites, IF Propofol in the gastric contents came from blood, it should also have a higher Propofol level in relation to the Lidocaine. Coroner disagreed because they may be a postmortem redistribution and Propofol may not redistribute the same was Lidocaine would. If Lidocaine was used during resuscitation, it would also affect the levels.
  • It is possible that Propofol got into the stomach contents due to post mortem redistribution but it is also possible that it was taken orally. But IF it was taken orally, the amount in the stomach is “extremely small”.
  • Flanagan asked hypothetically that If 150ml of Propofol was to be taken orally, then upon burning sensation that lead to the need for some Lidocaine, would the stomach contents of Propofol and Lidocaine be the same as it was found in autopsy. “When the medications are first administered, yeah” replied the coroner.
  • Propofol levels are very high, levels that can be found in “full anesthesia”
  • 25mg of Propofol would not produce this high of Propofol levels
  • Approximate induction dose for propofol is 2 to 2.5mg/kg
  • Propofol has a rapid onset effect, takes effect within a minute after injection
  • After administration of 25mg Propofol, patient fall a sleep within a minute and wakes up within 5 minutes, IF no further dose was given
  • Flanagan asked the coroner if he remembered from Murray’s statement that he administered 25mg of Propofol between 10:40 to 10:50 but he didn’t state it was a drip. The coroner said his recollection of Murray’s statement is that he gave 25mg over 25 minutes. Flanagan pulled another hypothetical: IF it was a transcribe error, and Murray gave 25mg between 10:40 to 10:50am over three to five minutes, would the coroner expect the patient to wake up within 5 minutes. Prosecution objected for speculation, reminded that Murray’s statement was recorded and suggested the defense to play it. Defense didn’t have the tape with them. The judge allows the question based on good faith. The coroner answered that yes, the patient would be awake in 5 minutes.
  • Based on Propofol’s pharmacological formula and need to be administered intravenously, the coroner isn’t sure that it would produce any effect if taken orally.
  • If Michael drank Propofol, would it burn his esophagus? The coroner doesn’t know.
  • If Michael drank Lidocaine, would it show in stomach? Yes
  • If Michael drank Propofol, then lidocaine, causing the blood level that are on autopsy, would the coroner still rule the manner of death as homicide? Yes
  • “Based on the quality of medical care, I would still call this a homicide, even if the doctor did not administer the Propofol to Mr. Jackson”
  • Flanagan asked what the coroner means by “the quality of medical care”. Mr. Rogers responded that just the fact that Propofol was there. It was there presumably to administer it to Michael. Murray should have been prepared for the complications.
  • Flanagan retorts “do you think the doctor should have been prepared for Mr. Jackson self administering Propofol?” The coroner replied “if that was a possibility, then yes”
  • In reaching his conclusion as manner of death being a homicide, the coroner relied on the opinions of Dr. Calmes -an anesthesiologist- who concluded that it is difficult for Michael to self administer, due to the set up of IV
  • IV Catheter was in left leg, a little bit below the knee
  • The IV tubing that was attached to Michael was 13.5cm. At the end of this tubing, there is a Y connector. One side of the port go to the IV bag, other side go to the injection port
  • Flanagan contends that the injection port would be next to the top of the knee. He reads Dr. Calmes’ opinion that it would be difficult for Michael to reach to the port. Then Flanagan then asked “how hard would it bee for Mr. Jackson to reach his knee?” Prosecution objected, Judge sustained.
  • Flanagan asked if Michael had any leg problems that prevented him from bending his knee. The coroner said “No”
  • Flanagan reads Dr. Calmes’ opinion that after the IV was started by a medical professional, anyone could have administered medications. Flanagan asked if the coroner agrees with Dr. Calmes.  Coroner replied “in general yes but I think it is improbable in this specific situation”
  • Flanagan asked the coroner to elaborate on the improbability. In order for Michael to self administer, first, the doctor has to start the Propofol. The doctor has to leave. Michael would to wake up and be lucid enough, with all the Propofol and benzodiazepine in his system, to reach to the port and depress the plunger. Murray said in his statement that he left the room for a short amount of time and the coroner has doubts that all this happened while Murray was gone for short period of time.
  • “I don’t believe the findings in the gastric content support the oral consumption”
  • 0.13mg of Propofol in stomach contents is extremely small amount
  • What is in the blood is measured in ug/ml
  • 1 ug=1/1000mg
  • 0.16mg of Lidocaine =1600ug
  • Flanagan contends that 1600ug of Lidocaine in stomach is higher that 0.46ug of Lidocaine in liver.
  • It is a possibility that Lidocaine got into the stomach orally but it is small amount. Other possibilities that Lidocaine is in stomach are the post-mortem redistribution or some blood got into the stomach during autopsy or there was bleeding before autopsy
  • “The idea that someone would be taking 1.6mg of Lidocaine, to me, it seems, I mean that is such a small amount”
  • Flanagan contended that there is an interrupted Murray call at 11:51am which “might have been” the discovery of Michael not breathing.
      Redirect by David Walgreen:
  • Mr. Walgreen emphasized that most hypothetical questions by Flanagan assumed Murray giving Michael 25ml. Walgreen stated that it is possible that 25ml is NOT the “actual accounting of how much Dr. Murray gave”.
  • Walgreen asked the coroner that if Murray was giving Propofol to Michael nearly every night for two months, administering it to treat insomnia, in a home setting, without the proper monitoring and resuscitating equipment, and that doctor himself stated that Michael may have been forming dependency issues to Propofol yet he left Michael with access to propofol, even if Michael self administered under these conditions, would the coroner still rule the manner of death as a homicide. Mr. Roger replied “Yes”
      Recross by Michael Flanagan:
  • If Michael was given 150ml, would it produce sleep in 1 minute? Yes
  • Michael should wake up within 5 to 10 minutes, unless he is dead? Yes
  • So even if Murray gave more than 25ml between 10:40 to 10:50am, Michael would have been awake by 11:00am, assuming that 25ml was a single dose
  • If Michael was given a lethal a dose between 10:40 to 10:50am, he should have been dead by 11:00am? Yes
  • When Propofol is worn off, the patient is fully awake? Yes
  • Paramedics estimated that Michael was dead around noon. So the lethal drug levels couldn’t have possibly came from the 10:40-10:50am injection, assuming that that was a single dose
RICHARD RUFFALO: Anesthesiologist & Pharmacist Expert
  • He is an anesthesiologist and clinical pharmacologist
  • Clinical pharmacologist=someone who studies drugs, how they act in animals and humans
  • Mr. Walgreen sent him a 281 page notebook with autopsy, timeline of events, photos,  interview by Murray, and other various materials relating to this case and he was requested to provide his expertise. In response, he provided a 47 page report
  • The report by coroner anesthesiologist was removed from the autopsy he received so that he could provide an independent and unbiased assessment
  • Based on the blood samples from UCLA when Michael first arrived and the samples that were drawn by the coroner, he drew conclusions, based on his expertise in both anesthesiology and clinical pharmacology
  • What’s his conclusion regarding Propofol levels? The hospital blood is the most representative of blood levels ante-mortem. At the hospital, Michael had some degree of circulation (from CPR) ad “his organs were still perfused” So the hospital blood would closely relate to the ante-mortem blood. But the problem was that the blood was drawn after Michael received many resuscitation fluids. So the hospital blood levels are the diluted value levels. It is called “hypo dilution”. The drugs levels in hospital blood would be lower than the levels before resuscitation.  Another factor is when a blood is drawn and put into the test tube, drugs such as propofol would degrade over time. This also lowers the actual drug levels. Essentially, the Propofol levels when Michael died was much higher than what is in the autopsy.
  • Hospital blood of 4.1 is enough Propofol to induce general anesthesia where patients “can’t control their own reflexes and their breathing”. But this level was diluted level in Michael’s case. At the time of his death, Propofol level was much higher
  • Post-mortem redistribution= postmortem drug concentration change
  • A lot of factors play role in post-mortem redistribution such as the kind of drug, how long after the blood was drawn, where it is drawn from (heart vs femoral), how is it stored after it is drawn, was it preserved with sodium fluoride, body temperature, room temperature, etc
  • Lorazepam in the hospital blood wasn’t tested, it could have been helpful
  • Lorazepam was tested in heart and femoral blood. These 2 levels are subject to small degree of port-mortem redistribution because Lorazepam is “more water-lugging drug” than Propofol or Valium. So if we are to assume that the ante-mortem levels were closer to the heart and femoral levels, it is “exceedingly high, equivalent of taking 7 to 12mg of Lorazepam, either orally or IV or IM” “This is what we call a very, very high level” Not lethal but very high. Lorazepam doesn’t degrade like Propofol but still, due to port-mortem redistribution, the ante-mortem level of Lorazepam would be slightly higher. A therapeutic IV dose of 2mg Lorazepam should produce 1/6 to 1/8 of the levels on autopsy.
  • Mr. Rodgers was sent Murray’s recorded testimony where he stated that he gave Michael, on 2 separate occasions, 2 mg of Lorazepam. Mr. Roger is asked if the Lorazepam levels on autopsy are consistent with Murray’s statement. “it is extremely high for 4mg, probably 6 times. I would expect about 1/6th so it is a bit odd” There may be an explanation: “drug accumulation” If Michael was taking Lorazepam form many days, it will add up.
  • When given sedatives, depending on their dose and patient’s tolerance, they create different levels of sedation:
  • Mild sedation = “anxiolysis” (getting rid of anxiety)
  • Moderate sedation = having patients sedated, their eyes closed but they respond to commands
  • Deep sedation= It would take shaking them for patients to respond
  • General anesthesia=they won’t respond even if you stick them with a pin
  • With general anesthesia, patient may appear to be breathing, chest moving but their airway is obstructed and they are not pushing out carbon monoxide
  • Pulse Oxymeter=Device that measures oxygen levels
  • Does pulse oxymeter detect if a patient’s airway is obstructed? No
  • Does a pulse oxymeter constitute as sufficient monitoring of someone who was administered benzodiazepines and Propofol? It is one of the monitoring equipment necessary but it’s not sufficient.
  • You would need baseline measures to keep track
  • Baseline= vital readings over time
  • You would need to monitor blood pressure and ventilation
  • EKG machine to monitor electric activity of the heart
  • Capnograph to measure carbon dioxide in every breath
  • End tidal Carbon Dioxide monitor to detect airway obstruction
  • You also need resuscitation equipment in case complications arise (ambu bag, tracheal tube, defibrillator, cardiac support and antagonist drugs, etc)
  • Antagonist drug for opiates such as heroin, morphine, Demerol etc=Narcan
  • Antagonist drug for benzodiazepines such as Lorazepam, Midazolam etc=Flumanezil
  • Antagonist drugs are used to reverse the effects of drugs
  • Narcan or Flumanezil don’t work to reverse Propofol
  • Cardiac life support drugs= ephedrine (stimulates heart), Norepinephrine (increases blood pressure), Phenylephrine (aka Neosynephrine, naso-constrictor on the heart), Atrophine (stimulates heart), Dopamine (stimulates heart), Sodium Bicarbonate (neutrolises acidosts), Amiodarone (anti-arrhythmia), Procainamide (anti-arrhythmia), Lidocaine (anti-arrhythmia), Dextrose (aka D-50, %50 Dextrose in case patient has low blood sugar), Vosepressin (Heart stimulant), Nitroglycerin (vasodilator of the heart) (editor's note: vasodilator of heart =relaxes heart muscles)
  • If you shock the wrong rhythm, it may cause cardiac arrest. So defibrillators are programmed to determine shockable heart rhythm. If, for example, a paramedic thinks it is a shockable rhythm and he pushes the button to shock the heart, the machine will give an error message. It also displays the EKG
  • If the patient’s air is obstructed, do a jaw lift and pull the tongue out to see to if it helps. This will be painful. The idea is that it may wake the patient and get them to breathe. But this is applicable only when a patient has blood pressure and pulse. If there is a cardiac arrest, this method is irrelevant. You can put in nasal trumpet=it goes behind the tongue, giant straw for airway. Or you can place an oral tube. Or you can insert endotracheal tube, behind the vocal cords, directly into the windpipe. Or insert laryngeal tube which fits without having to go between vocal cords. Hook one of these equipments to an oxygen source or do manual ventilation like squeezing the ambu bag.
  • Even if all proper monitoring and resuscitation equipments are present, administering a patient a cocktail of benzodiazepine topped with Propofol requires heightened level of vigilance in monitoring
---Lunch Break---
During lunch break, David Walgreen listened to the Conrad Murray recorded interview. Murray said he gave 25mg of Propofol “slowly, I would say OVER 3 TO 4 MINUTES” This time frame being “over 25 minutes” is a typographical error.
  • Propofol in stomach= 0.13mg
  • Lidocaine in stomach= 1.6mg
  • These amounts reflect the amount of total Propofol and Lidocaine found in stomach
  • Concentration of Propofol in stomach= 70/0.13=0.00186mg/ml
  • In post-mortem redistribution, drugs move from high concentration to low concentration. Liver had high concentration of Propofol. Liver is right next to the stomach. So the propofol in stomach could be due to post-mortem redistribution
  • Concentration of Lidocaine in stomach=70/1.6= 0.0228mg/ml
  • Concentration levels of Propofol and Lidocaine in stomach are very low. The concentrations aren’t indicative of someone orally taking them. If someone ingested Propofol and Lidocaine, their concentration in the stomach would be much higher.
  • He covered simple deviations from the standard of care for his report for Murray case. These deviations are simple departures but all of them combined is egregious.
  • Deviation #1: Failure to recognize a threading pulse which means there is palpable pulse in which case you do NOT do chest compressions. You do ventilation only.
  • Deviation #2: Failure to recognize drug-on-drug interaction: The issue of not recognizing the compound effects of the drugs can be forgiven stipulated that you know how to counter the complications successfully.
  • Deviation #3: Failure to recognize the addictive nature of Propofol: Murray told detectives that Michael may have been becoming addicted to Propofol. Addictive nature of the Propofol has been documented for number of years. Had Murray search, he could have found literature depicting Propofol abuse by a small group of people.
  • Deviation #4: Failure to recognize the addictive nature of Benzodiazepines: It a well documented fact that people easily become addicted to drugs taken for pain, anxiety, sleep and depression. 
  • Deviation #5:  “Is the propofol properly indicated for the treatment of insomnia”? “Absolutely not”
  • Deviation #6: The dose of Flumanezil given by Murray was a “very, very small dose”. Proper dose would be 5 to 10 times.
  • These 6  are simple deviations from the standard of care, but all together they constitute an extreme deviation from the standard of care.
  • “Extreme departure from standard care” ="it is so egregious that any physician with some sense of training should know. Physicians are supposed to be trained in at least basic life support"
  • He covered in his report, some individual findings that, just standing alone, are extreme departures from the standard of care.
  • Failure to use proper monitoring equipment: Murray should have monitored blood pressure, cardiac activity and breathing.
  • Failure to inform paramedics and the UCLA doctor of the drugs Murray gave to Michael
  • Failure to monitor and record vitals. This is the only way to keep track, especially over a period of time.
  • Failure to be present and vigilant: When you give this combination of drugs, especially with Propofol in the mix, it could easily lead to severe problems. You have to be constantly present and vigilant. If you need to leave, you must have  a trained individual take over the monitoring and relieve you. If you walk out, “bad things can happen.” You come and the patient stopped breathing. No matter what, you are responsible %100 for the safety of the patient.
  • Failure to provide proper life support care
  • Failure to call 911
  • Failure to use an ambu bag with oxygen
  • Failure to utilize basic life support: one handed CPR = “totally useless”
  • If you can’t lift the patient by yourself, you slide your hand so their head lies on your forearm then you slide the patient to the floor.
  • Failure to provide life support drugs
  • Failure to administer the proper dose of Flumanezil
  • The correction regarding the interval of timeline (25 ml Propofol, slowly pushed over 3 to 4 minutes instead of 25 minutes) doesn’t change these deviations from being egregious and sub-standard.
  • Even if Murray administered the drugs that he stated he administered then left the room to make phone calls or to use the restroom and Michael overdosed, it still doesn’t change these deviations on Murray’s behalf from being egregious and sub-standard. Moreover, this would create any extreme deviation. If Murray thought that Michael was forming addiction, if he knew that Michael liked to push Propofol himself, it’s safe to assume, we have a high-rick patient. So if the patient isn’t satisfied with the amount you gave him, there is a potential that he may reach for Propofol when you leave the room. This is same as leaving a syringe full of heroin with a heroin addict. It is an extreme deviation from the standard of care. Even if the patient isn’t an addict, just leaving a patient alone with access to Propofol is an extreme departure from the standard of care.
       Cross by Michael Flanagan:
  • Concentration of Propofol in stomach= 0.00186mg/ml
  • Concentration of Lidocaine in stomach=0.0228mg/ml
  • The levels in blood samples were measured in ug/ml
  • We need to convert concentration levels from mg(milligram) to ug(microgram)
  • 1 ug=1/1000mg
  • Conversions before the lunch break was WRONG
  • Corrected Concentration levels are:
  • Concentration of Propofol in stomach= 1.86ug/ml
  • Concentration of Lidocaine in stomach=22.8ug/ml
  • Lidocaine levels in stomach is 40 times higher than hospital blood
  • Mr. Ruffalo advised asking the coroner what the numbers for gastric contents on the autopsy report stand for. Concentration Or Amount. Mr. Ruffalo states that this (22.8ug of Lidocaine in stomach) doesn’t make any sense unless it was orally ingested
  • 25 mg of Propofol given between 10:40 to 10:50am would put Michael under for 4 to 6 minutes. If Michael was asleep at 11:00am, Propofol isn’t what’s keeping him asleep. He may be just tired or it could be the affect of Lorazepam.
  • Mr. Ruffalo assumed in his report that Murray wasn’t in the room for 40 minutes, as per his telephone records. He also assumed that Murray discovered Michael sometime between 11:56am to 12:02am (re: Sade Anding phone call)
  • Murray stated that Michael’s heart rate was 122 when he first found him in distress
  • Since Murray didn’t have an EKG monitor, he must have picked this up from pulse oxymeter. This is good because it means, as long as you have an oxymeter reading, it means you have circulation. The first thing Murray should have done is ventilation. Flanagan asked how long Murray should have done ventilation before he run for help. If he did proper airway management, he shouldn’t have needed help. But once the patient is well-saturated with %100 oxygen and the oxygen tank is filled, then you can leave to call 911. Flanagan contended that all these are good when you look at them in retrospect. He asked “do you think doctor Murray knew that there was a problem?” Dr. Ruffalo replied “standard of care requires that you know the problem”
  • “He admits you know this patient. You know this patient, He admits that the patient likes his milk and he gets upset if he doesn’t get his milk. What do you think the patient might do if you leave him unattended? Failure to anticipate that he will inject it, drink it or whatever” is an extreme deviation from standard of care
  • He(Murray) said he (Michael) likes to push it so why would he drink it?”.
  • “Primum Non Nocere. Do No Harm”
  • Flanagan contended that toxicological finding shows that Michael drank Propofol and Lidocaine. Ruffalo says “not necessarily. You would have to clear it up with the coroner’s investigators” (re: gastric levels on autopsy. Are they concentration or total amounts?) Flanagan asserted that nevertheless, it is a possibility. Ruffalo retorted that regardless of if Michael drank it or not, Murray left his patient and didn’t resuscitate properly. Flanagan pointed out that Murray called Michael Amir Williams, “seeking assistance”. Ruffalo sarcastically replied “sure, as opposed to taking care of his patient”
  • Based on expertise, Ruffalo guesses that Michael was injected with 100ml-200ml propofol, at least 100ml
     Redirect by David Flanagan:
  • Even if Michael self administered, level of care provided by Murray was substandard


  1. Great notes.

    But this photo is fake. It is not the real bedroom. It can be misleading for those who aren't aware.

  2. @Man In The Mirror, thank you for commenting

    The picture IS the bedroom Michael was found in. I think the misunderstanding arose from the wrong idea that this was his actual bedroom, it is NOT. It's just the bedroom Murray was sedating MJ in.
