Tim Wooley: AEG Tour Manager
Paul Gongaware: AEG Live Co-CEO
Brigitte Segal: Tour Manager/Attorney
Kathy Jorrie: AEG Attorney
May 08, 2009
From: Tim Wooley
To: Conrad Murray
CC: Paul Gongaware
It was a pleasure meeting you on the phone. We discussed some mundane details:
Contracting Entity: GCA Holdings LLC [Redacted by blogger] Vegas NV 89119
Your contact info: office [Redacted by blogger]
Your mode of travel: Most likely with Artist on charter but 1st If not.
Family airfare personal cost.
Accommodation - “easy proximity of Artist”- that might be a guest house on the grounds of the property rented for Artist. Tour pays for necessary professional costs including transport between Artist & house and house & venue.
Probable-need for multiple
Life insurances - personal choice. AEG contract would not cover more than one month in lieu of notice if there was a curtailment or cessation of the tour. Loss-of-profit also called contractual performance insurance – had asked brokers at Lloyds to research. Intelligently, they also suggest it covers both possible Force Majeure effecting tour/performances as a whole and possibility of accident preventing your providing services. Insurance would be personal cost. Fees $150k/mo payable mid-month
Lots to consider and would be happy to continue discussion when convenient by you.
May 14, 2009
From Timm Wooley
To: Conrad Murray
CC: Paul Gongaware
Subject: Email
Subject: Email
Dear Conrad:
I wonder if I had time to peruse the email I sent and consider any issues arising. I would like to take the next step of discussing a contract for period including the terms on which we agree. When you have the time, could you drop me a line or give me a call – then I shall know the email address at least is correct
With kind regards,
May 15, 2009
From: Conrad Murray
To: Timm Wooley
Subject: Re: Email
Subject: Re: Email
Dear Timm:
Thank you for your correspondence. With respect to the contractual agreement in regard to Mr. Jackson and the upcoming Tour, it was also a great pleasure to meet you. I look forward to meeting you personally. I am basically in agreement and reiterate that your memo is correct pursuant to our conversation on May 8, 2009. In reference to the international health coverage, I would like to have the opportunity to include members of my family. The family cost of the health insurance excluding myself will be solely at my expense.
If you would be kind enough to adopt the contract, I would have it perused by my attorney so that the verbiage is clear and correct for all of us. Once that’s done, I will be ready for signing. As for good faith with my client, I am sure you are aware that my services are already fully engaged with Mr. Jackson. I wish you and yours all the best and I look forward for a quick response so we can close this matter.
May 21, 2009
From Timm Wooley
To: Conrad Murray
Dear Conrad:
Sorry to have been silent this week. Went on an urgent errand to Florida for two days and this has deranged my schedule, but am getting back on track. I should [sic] like to send a contract to you in the next day or two but am looking for help withing [sic] the legal department because the forms within which I work don’t apply to your specialized position. So it has to be custom-generated. This won’t take long and I hope to get it to you before close of business tomorrow.
Am copying Brigitte Segal whose talents, as well as being the tour manager, include being a licensed US attorney.
Best Regards,
May 22, 2009
From: Conrad Murray
To: Timm Wooley
Dear Timm
I would like to forward, fax or deliver to you as soon as possible copy of the voided check so that you may have the routing and account number for my bank in order for you to successfully transfer the monthly fee of $150K. I am also including the name of the bank, the account and routing number as well as the name on the account, please see the following
GCA Holding LLC
checking acct number: [Redacted by blogger]
GCA Holding LLC
checking acct number: [Redacted by blogger]
routing # [Redacted by blogger]
With kind regards,
May 28, 2009
From: Conrad Murray
To: Timm Wooley
Dear Timm
I gathered from your last email that my contract is taking a bit more time to develop than usual. In the meanwhile, I have performed and continue to fulfill my services to the client in good faith. Therefore, I am asking you to deposit my fee for May in reciprocity of good faith on your part as per our agreement. The usual and customary date for deposit is around the 15th of each month, by today’s date, we are 13 days beyond receipt of my monthly fee. I would appreciate it if you look into this matter immediately so we can go forward amicably as we have done to this point. As per usual, I find it a pleasure to work with you and I look forward to our future endeavors.
May 28, 2009
From Timm Wooley
To: Conrad Murray
Dear Conrad:
The legal department has not yet completed the agreement which is rather specialized since it is a rare event that a physician is engaged to accompany a touring artist.
In any other circumstance, I would agree that payment should be made as close as practicable to the due date but AEG policies dictate that payment can only be made under a fully executed agreement.
We are working on it and if it is any consolation for the brief wait, the reason I suggested the mid-monthly (rather than customary month end) due date was to anticipate some teething problems in the first payment.
Please may I request patience a little longer for the agreement to be completed.
With kind regards,
June 18, 2009 11:11pm
From: Kathy Jorrie
To: Conrad Murray
CC: Tim Wooley, Brigitte Segal
Subject: Michael Jackson—Revised Agreement with GCA Holdings/Dr. Murray
Dear Dr. Murray:
It was a pleasure to speak with you today. Please find attached a revised version of the agreement (in Word), along with a redline (to show the changes) and a final pdf version. I have incorporated the revisions we discussed. Please let me know if you have any additional comments to the agreement.
Also, AEG is arranging to obtain cancellation insurance in connection with the O2 performances, and the insurance company (Bob Taylor at Robertson Taylor) requires a five year medical history for Michael Jackson. This is a condition precedent in obtaining the cancellation coverage. Is this something you can assist us in obtaining for the insurance? If not, can you please let us know what physician(s) can be of assistance.
My contact information is set forth below for your convenience. Please do not hesitate to call me.
All the best.
June 23, 2009 17:39
From: Kathy Jorrie
To: Conrad Murray, Timm Wooley
CC: Brigitte Segal
Subject: Re: Michael Jackson—Revised Agreement with GCA Holdings/Dr. Murray
Subject: Re: Michael Jackson—Revised Agreement with GCA Holdings/Dr. Murray
Dear Dr. Murray:
I have attached hereto a revised version of your agreement, which incorporates all of the revisions you requested. I have redlined the Word version so that you can see all of the revisions. In addition, I have attached a clean pdf version, which is ready for execution. If you approve the form of the attached, please print the pdf, sign it and return your signature to me by pdf (via email) or by fax. My fax number is [Redacted by blogger]
Also, than you for agreeing to assist in the efforts of the insurance company to complete its due diligence regarding Michael Jackson’s medical history. I will suggest that any medical information form that the insurance company would like Mr. Jackson to complete to be delivered to you in a brown envelope at Mr. Jackson’s home so that you can work with Mr. Jackson in completing the form. In addition, I will ask that such form include precise instructions regarding the procedure that should be followed to return such information to the applicable insurer.
Please do not hesitate to call me in the event you would like to discuss this matter further.
All the best,
(Editor's note: Contract was signed and faxed to AEG by Conrad Murray on June 24, 2009 but it was yet to be signed by AEG and Michael Jackson, which was necessary for validity)
(Editor's note: Contract was signed and faxed to AEG by Conrad Murray on June 24, 2009 but it was yet to be signed by AEG and Michael Jackson, which was necessary for validity)
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