July 05, 2011


  • "Independent Contractor Agreement" between Conrad Murray & AEG
  • At the request of the Artist, AEG agreed to retain Conrad Murray
  • Murray, licensed cardiologist, practicing in Vegas and Nevada.
    Murray desires to provide services to the artist during concert series”
  • Murray will perform general medical services. He is to conduct his services “professionally and greatest degree of care expected from similarly situated members in the medical field”
  • Murray’s services will include “tending to artist’s general medical needs
    and treating the artist in case of emergency”
  • Murray will perform other medical services reasonably requested by AEG
  • Murray shall provide such services in USA during the terms of the agreement and in London when the Michael is in London for his Tour
  • The agreement commences on May 1, 2009
  • AEG will pay $150,000 per month to Conrad Murray. He will receive first payment no later than the 5th day after the execution of this agreement
  • AEG will provide Murray with a first class plane ticket from Nevada
    to London on or around July 3, 2009
  • AEG will provide Murray housing accommodations in London
  • AEG will provide Murray with medical equipment requested by Murray including a “CPR machine, saline, catheters, needles, a gurney, and other mutually approved equipments necessary for the services”
  • AEG will pay for a mutually approved “qualified assistant medical person”, selected by Murray and approved by AEG
  • AEG will buy travel insurance for Murray = “sole expense of the producer”
  • If Murray requests, AEG will obtain travel insurance for Murray’s family travelling with him to London but this will be at Murray’s expense
  • Murray shall perform services asked by the Producer
  • Murray shall obtain licenses, permits and other approvals required to authorize him to perform his services in London
  • Murray will provide AEG with documented proof that he is licensed to practice medicine in USA
  • Murray will provide proof to AEG no later than July 3, 2009 that he had acquired all licenses and permits allowing him to practice medicine in London
  • Murray will not blame AEG for any of his negligence
  • Murray, at his own expense, will obtain an insurance that includes
    “commercial general liability”, “business auto liability” “Workers compensation” and “medical malpractice”
  • Murray will provide AEG proof that he acquired aforementioned insurance
  • This agreement will be terminated by either AEG or Murray when the defaulting party doesn’t correct a default within 5 business days after
    the receipt of a written notice from the non-defaulting party
  • This agreement will be terminated if the Artist, for any reason,
    does not want Conrad Murray’s services
  • This agreement will be terminated by AEG if This Is It Tour is cancelled or in case of  “conditions beyond producer’s control, including but not limited to Acts of God, government restrictions-including denial and cancellation of necessary licenses, wars, insurrections, or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the producer”
  • This agreement will be terminated of Conrad Murray fails to obtain aforementioned licenses, legally authoring him to perform his services
  • This agreement will be terminated if within 2 weeks after the execution of this agreement, Murray fails to provide proof that he is licensed to practice medicine in USA
  • This agreement will be terminated if before July 3, 2009, Murray fails to provide proof that he acquired licenses to practice medicine in London
  • If agreement is terminated, Murray will return medical equipments to AEG
  • “This relationship created by this agreement is that of independent contractors and nothing contained in this agreement shall be deemed or construed as creating any partnership, joint venture, employment relationship, agency or other relationship between the parties”
  • “Neither party shall have the right, power or authority to waive any right, grant any release, make any contract or other agreement, or assume or create any obligation or responsibility, express or implied, on behalf of or
    in the name of the other party or to bind the other in a manner for anything whatsoever or otherwise act in the name of the other party” 
  • This agreement is approved ONLY if the Artist approves it. Otherwise, none of the parties owe any obligation to one another
  • Murray wont leak any info re: the producer, production or the artist
  • All notices and communication between parties shall be in writing
  • The undersigned hereby confirms that he has requested Producer to engage Dr. Murray on the terms set forth herein on behalf of and at the expense of the undersigned:

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