Following are Karen Faye facebook comments before she closed her account:
"It is very clear to me by the responses here that people who do not "really" know Michael, think he looks fine. Maybe to corporate businessmen who weren't sensitive to Michael, never even bothered to notice his condition. BUT, I wrote the emails and had discussions (not with Randy Phillips, because he wasn’t available to me. He just recently told me, he was ‘shown’ my emails, and was aware of my concerns, before Michael died) with others who were responsible for Michael and the O2 shows.
I was begging for a physiologist, because of Michael's state of mind was not right. He could not sleep, he was angry (for not having any control), he was showing signs of taking drugs, OCD, and his body was always ice cold, and loosing weight rapidly. It was a matter of six days from the time I was sending emails, sounding the alert and when Michael was dead. Four of the six days, he was not at rehearsals, and I hadn't seen him.
Karen Faye Kissinger
Yes I did. This movie was made for 2 reasons.
1. To have visual proof that AEG has no responsibility in Michael's death
2. To use Michael and his death to reach into every fans pocket and take your money....
(On September 25, 2009, a fan asked) Karen, why Sony, AEG and Kenny Ortega have to cut you out of the movie? You're the part of Michael's life and career.
Karen Faye Kissinger: Because I am against the movie...I have evidence that they knew Michael wasn't well enough to do the shows...I sent them emails. They said they "had it under control" then Michael was dead the next day.
Karen Faye Kissinger
My first call from Michael was on March 15th. M. Bush's first contact was April 11th.
I was not put on staff until May 14th. I feel like I was being ignored for weeks. There were many meetings by other staff. Dancers, musicians and back up singers began at Center Staging in April. Michael began to rehearse and work out at home in April. When Michael was younger and working, this would have been enough time for him. Michael did not get on stage and start working with his performers until mid June. Michael seemed reluctant to begin. I began to see warning signs of drugs and continued weight loss. The rehearsals on the 23 and 24 were the most productive up to that point.
Karen Faye Kissinger on This Is It film: The movie is not the entire truth....Please know there was a very dark side. A side that showed little concern for Michael the person. It was about Michael the commodity. He was trapped by circumstances, to do this show, a show he was mentally, and physically unable to do...and they knew it.
I don't want you not to see the movie. Everyone was robbed of Michael from ever creating again. These are his final days...but they do not tell the entire story. There is a very dark truth that you are not seeing. The head of AEG said it in his own words...this will clear us of any wrong doing. Why would anyone say that....if no wrong doing ever occured?
I don't want you not to see the movie. Everyone was robbed of Michael from ever creating again. These are his final days...but they do not tell the entire story. There is a very dark truth that you are not seeing. The head of AEG said it in his own words...this will clear us of any wrong doing. Why would anyone say that....if no wrong doing ever occured?
Karen Faye Kissinger on This Is Not It Group: I support this movement....100%
Karen Faye Kissinger
Him being alive was the obstacle for all the people making all the money now....doesn't that make you that we know he was killed????
Karen Faye Kissinger
SONY has his final tapes....they are THRILLed to have his walk to his death and making your money.
Karen Faye Kissinger
How could I EVER be proud of this movie? How could I ever approve of any of this?
Karen Faye Kissinger
If something happens to will not be an accident.
Karen Faye Kissinger
MB told me that MJ asked him who gave the permission to film the rehearsals. I believe MB answered that AEG was doing it. Usually, Michael has his own documentary crew shooting. This way Michael owns it and can edit and show what he wants the world to see. He often released his footage for "the making of" projects, behind the scene footage but he was in complete control of the footage. I thought that the crew that was shooting rehearsals was doing it FOR Michael when I saw them. It wasn't till Michael was gone, MB [Michael Bush] told me, the film crew was AEG, and MJ didn't approve of it.
Karen Faye Kissinger
It only further shows me that Michael had very little control of the situation...which why he was so angry in the last days....He kept saying "Why can't I choose?"
Karen Faye Kissinger
I wish I had the insight I have now, back in the beginning of June.
Karen Faye Kissinger on the autopsy report:
When I prepared his body, the mortician I worked with told Michael Bush and I that he weighed between 108 - 111. Sounds like a cover up to me. He was bones. Ask your fellow fans who were there. Ask Michael Bush who was taking in his pants everyday.
Karen Faye Kissinger
You know how hard this is for me to keep having to fight for some sort of truth here? Not only is it painful, it is exhausting.
Karen Faye Kissinger
Look at all these liars...these vultures. It is getting harder and harder to get the truth out there. I am only one small girl. They have the money and power to CRUSH the truth.
I just talked to LMP...she just told me he never weighed more than 120 when he was with her and he was healthy.
Karen Faye Kissinger
I have some Legal issues. Randy Phillips is getting very angry with me and is emailing me I must stop. I need to remain on a "private" page. I have a confidentiality clause in my AEG contract.
Karen Faye Kissinger
No...not closing. I guess the truth is making him nervous. He (Philips) says my comments are "defamatory, damaging, and not factual"
Karen Faye Kissinger
I think he (Philips) is not being factual, along with Kenny Ortega and Frank Dileo when they go on TV saying Michael was fine.
Karen Faye Kissinger
I have been asked to stop posting some of my opinions here by Randy Phillips.
I have a confidentiality contract with AEG. I am being accused by Randy Phillips of creating this site. They are asking me to remove it from my FB pages.
They have been addressing me with emails, their lawyers and Frank Dileo.
I am not removing this page. Nor am I going to remove anyone's opinion about TINI. Everyone is entitled to their point of view and opinion.
Karen Faye Kissinger
I don't know why he is lying (Daniel Celebre)...these dancers are young and eager to get publicity. They are just beginning their career. You will see a lot of HYPE in the next weeks. Randy Philips will be going on Oprah also. They are on a mission of damage control. I even saw an image where Michael was definitely retouched. Michael's thighs were NEVER that big. He would be appalled to be painted that big.
The dancers were so in awe of Michael as you can imagine. The last two days, Michael did quite well. You will see in TII this footage. Michael's condition and the worry regarding his state was hidden as much as possible. Access to Michael was very limited. Michael had a dressing room where he stayed most of the time until he went on stage, which was behind 2-5 security guards.
Michael's security always sits outside his dressing room. They escorted him to the stage when he went there. They stood guard everywhere he went. That was their job. It was always like that. They sit outside his hotel room, day and night.
I was allowed access to his dressing room. I cuddled him in blankets inside his dressing room. He did go out to view the rehearsal, covered in a blanket and a heater next to him one time. The video cameras caught that on film...but I told Kenny that he should NOT allow Michael's weak moments to be filmed. He agreed.
The week before Michael's death, the crew was starting to ask questions...about Michael not showing up and not rehearsing as he should be, not taking off his sun glasses. The excuses WE gave was "he was tired"...only half the truth. I personally could not tell strangers (dancers) that I thought he started taking drugs...that I was worried sick about his weight. I told Kenny and Frank DiLeo. I was hoping he would improve in the next two weeks before we left for London , and then the week and a half in London before the first show. I thought we had time to get on track. He showed marked improvement the 23 and 24th. We had hope. Then he died.
Karen Faye Kissinger
Wouldn't it be a nice gesture if "they" gave every TII 02 concert ticket holder a free pass to the THIS IS IT movie? If they were REALLY doing the movie for the fans????
Wouldn't it be a nice gesture if "they" gave every TII 02 concert ticket holder a free pass to the THIS IS IT movie? If they were REALLY doing the movie for the fans????
Karen Faye Kissinger
I told you I was going to the premiere of THIS IS IT....I can't do it. I can not honor Michael's death, until there is JUSTICE. The killer is free, and could be sitting next to me in that theater. It just is not right.
(On October 26, 2009, a fan asked) Karen, I also saw an interview on Extra this weekend where Zaldy spoke on the different costumes he created for various songs. There were costumes that were going to be lit up. Zaldy spoke about how excited Michael was and how he called Zaldy the night before he passed to express his excitement and ideas of collaborating on a clothing line he wanted Zaldy to be a part of.
On your page, I have read conflicting comments regarding this costume designer. From the interview I viewed this past weekend, it appeared Michael was enthusiastic about Zaldy, and there was no mention of Michael Lee Bush. Why???
Karen Faye Kissinger:
Not all of this is a true account. Much of it has been elaborated on for the hype factor. Michael NEVER mentioned a clothing line. I would imagine Zaldy would have loved to turn his "involvement" with Michael into a clothing line. Michael isn't here to stop people from lying and he? Zaldy was a "friend" of Travis Payne's, getting in on the Michael Jackson merry-go-round. Michael Jackson had Michael Bush, making him clothes on the sly, because MJ wasn't liking what Zaldy was making him. Michael was very gracious of course, and would never tell Zaldy to his face. None of the clothes he is presenting now, were ever completed, worn in a rehearsal and NEVER confirmed by Michael as his final wardrobe choice.
I believe that Zaldy got paid for his clothes...and the clothes and costumes MLB made for Michael and the dancers (and in the movie) have not been paid for.
AEG is in violation with their contract with MLB. I believe they have been offering unacceptable compromises. You have to have a lot of money to throw at lawyers to fight contract violations. AEG is a bottomless pit when it comes to money. In my opinion, Bush should just auction off the clothes, Michael REALLY wore.
AEG is in violation with their contract with MLB. I believe they have been offering unacceptable compromises. You have to have a lot of money to throw at lawyers to fight contract violations. AEG is a bottomless pit when it comes to money. In my opinion, Bush should just auction off the clothes, Michael REALLY wore.
(October 26, 2006- a fan posted on Karen's Wall a link to an article titled
"Kenny Ortega has dropped out as director of Footloose" )
Karen Faye Kissinger
"Kenny Ortega has dropped out as director of Footloose" )
Karen Faye Kissinger
He probably made so much money on TII...he is too large for anyone else.
Michael Lee Bush (posted on Karen's Wall)
Damnit, why don't we all mentally masturbate over what we think MJJ was going to wear, dance and sing,,, why don’t they show some dance steps I think Michael might do???? This is all speculation,,,, the proof will be in their movie,, what does he actually have on???? Why didn't they want to show it in their exhibition in London the last things Michael had on,,, tie the hole thing together,,,, Michael would have never wanted to wear my personal shirt or jackets if he didn’t like them, yes my personal clothes... should I continue??? Do I sound bitter that Michael's not here to rebut all this?????
Karen Faye Kissinger on This is It Premier
You won't see me walking the red carpet. I can not support this movie. NOT UNTIL JUSTICE IS SERVED. The red carpet would be like walking on Michael's blood!
How do you think it will make me feel, when it gets a standing ovation????
IT KILLED MY FRIEND!!!!! I just can't...can't share in their glory.
IT KILLED MY FRIEND!!!!! I just can't...can't share in their glory.
I do not condemn anyone who wants to see it. I understand...
I just know the other side. I can not celebrate the situation
Michael Lee Bush (posted on Karen's Wall)
Sitting here wondering why Kenny Ortega didn’t get me the credit of Costume Designer for his film.... that was part of my contract with AEG he help orchestrate????
I just know the other side. I can not celebrate the situation
Michael Lee Bush (posted on Karen's Wall)
Sitting here wondering why Kenny Ortega didn’t get me the credit of Costume Designer for his film.... that was part of my contract with AEG he help orchestrate????